❤️Teddy bear💔✨

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CW: Fire, separation anxiety disorder, basically zero object permanence

A/N I breathe once again, you shall only await my reawakening before I rise once more

Sapnap stood at the gates of the building, trying to tug his hand out of his father's while the other was tightly gripping the strap of his backpack that was slung over his shoulders "But, Papa, I don't wanna go... it's scary" He mumbled, Bad laughed and crouched down to his level, softly smiling "C'mon, Sap, you'll be fine! It's just for a couple of hours, plus, you finally get to hang out with Dream and George"

He shook his head, sticking his tongue out and haughtily jabbing his elbow into his father's side before breaking away from his grasp. Before he managed to even take a single step away from him, he felt a pair of stronger arms scoop him up off of his feet, causing him to thrash and squeal "NNNNNOOOOO"

"Come on, bud, it's time to go!" Punz laughed, quickly nudging the gates open before marching inside, constantly shifting his arms to stop the boy from worming his way out "You need to go to daycare cause' Dad and I both have stuff to do today"

Bad cleared his throat as he followed the pair inside "This is not a 'we' matter, Punz, this is a 'you have school' and I am busy matter, okay?"

The blonde groaned, rolling his eyes with intense disdain before turning to look over his shoulder "Yeah yeah, whatever" He replied "Can't you see i'm trying to do something here? It'd be easier if you just AGREE WITH ME!" Bad raised his eyebrows "Excuse me? You do not speak to me in that tone"

Punz sucked in a breath through his teeth, instantly regretting his choice of words "I'm sorry, Dad, please... don't take it again! I NEED it!"

"You're on thin ice, mister, next time you're losing the phone"

"Got it-"

Sapnap looked around anxiously as his caregivers continued to argue, rolling around in his brother's hands and wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck as they kept walking, letting out a low whine to indicate his reluctance to spend any more time in this new place, especially not without either one of them. Punz finally set him down once they were safely inside the main building, planting a kiss on his forehead and ruffling his hair with an unusual tenderness, like he actually felt bad about the situation "Go on, go and find your friends, they'll be here somewhere" He said cheerfully

The ravenette hesitantly took a step forwards at his father's urging, gently pushing him towards the relatively small group of the other children "I don't wanna..." He muttered again, turning around and grabbing the man's leg, clinging to him it was life or death "You can't make me go" He added as his eyes watered up

Bad sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously too tired to deal with this since he'd already been up with Sap the whole of the previous night due to his frequent nightmares that prevented him from sleeping, it's surprisingly tough work to calm down a toddler that's convinced that there's snakes living in his walls. Punz leaned down and took his own backpack off, digging through it until he grabbed what he was looking for "Here, you left this at home and I figured that you'd want it... so, I brought it with me" He grinned, holding out a small weathered plush in the shape of a bear

The little demon boy gratefully accepted the teddy, the smallest of smiles creeping onto his face as he squeezed it in his arms whilst Punz used his thumb to wipe the stray tears, giving a small smile of his own before ushering him onwards "Just go and have fun, we'll be back for you in a couple of hours, I promise" Sapnap just nodded and slowly walked off, settling down in a far corner instead of trying to find his friends

The longer he sat there, the more he thought about it, and the thoughts were not pleasant... Sapnap sniffled and wiped his eyes again, trying not to believe the imagined scenarios in which he'd been abandoned for good, which led to more tears and the sudden feeling of bile rising in his throat. The ravenette swallowed dryly, trying to remove the constricting feeling in his chest with several failing attempts before slowly getting to his feet

He looked around once more, getting more and more anxious with each new person that he spotted, feeling like he was teetering on a knife's edge between keeping it together and breaking down into a fit of tears. Despite knowing that people don't just disappear when he couldn't see them, he still thought that they were gone forever, and Sapnap desperately wanted them back... specifically his older brother

Slowly but surely, his horns started to spark and a small fire erupted atop his head, quickly causing the smoke alarms to start going off. Suddenly, there were panicked screams and Sapnap started freaking out even more, shaking his head aggressively and covering his ears while the sparks spread, leaving a fiery trail in their wake "No, no, no, no, no" He kept whispering to himself, trying to ignore the people rushing past him

When he opened his eyes, all he could see was a blazing inferno, it was strangely calming to hear nothing but the warm crackling of his own creations... he walked closer to a wall of fire and let its glowing light engulf him with a happy sigh, not even worrying about his personal items since he knew that they were fireproof, an added precaution due to his tendency to blow up when stressed... literally...

Sapnap turned to look towards the frenzy of yelling, there were several parents standing with the rest of the group huddled at the safety point, one staff member was calling the fire department and another was desperately trying to explain something to... two very familiar faces. He giggled happily and started making his way towards them, stretching his arms out as he scurried over

"I-i'm sorry, sir, we couldn't get your son out of the daycare" They said hurriedly "He wouldn't respond to us and we couldn't get close enough due to the heat of the flames"

"Well, you should be VERY disappointed in yourself for not reacting fast enough to get all of the children in your care out of the building in the case of a fire, and, I should be VERY VERY angry that you left my son in there... but... i'm not" Bad replied, nudging his eldest son who was nervously biting his nails... he knew that the ravenette was immune to the raging flames, but he could still be crushed by falling debris


"Look, there he is now" Bad smiled, beckoning him over, and Sapnap gleefully ran towards them "Papa! Punzo!" He laughed as he crashed into the blonde's arms, this time accepting the hug that lifted him into the air "I missed youuuu!"

"I can tell, you little rat" Punz replied with a groan "Did you really have to burn it down? This was the only place in town willing to take you"

Sapnap just grinned, obviously pleased with himself "Yup!"

The staff member just looked even more confused "WHAT-"

A/N I sleep now

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