🖤All eyes on ME✨

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A/N I like this duo and I like wolfy boi so why not do both

"BOOM! HEADSHOT! Punz, did you see my epic shot? Did you?" He asked excitedly as his shaggy tail quickly wagged from side to side, turning towards his second monitor to see his reaction but the blonde didn't seem to be paying attention "Punz, did you see my shot? I'm cracked, i'm actually cracked" He repeated, fueled by a craving for the older male's validation

"Mhmm, cool" Punz replied absent-mindedly, looking down at his phone instead of looking up at discord, Sapnap frowned but wrote it off as a one time thing... maybe he was just having an important conversation, maybe he was just texting a relative, maybe he was just responding to an email. He looked back at his main screen, giving his full focus to the match as he waited for Punz to start talking to him again

Sapnap let out an almost inaudible whine as his ears drooped while he continued to play, occasionally shouting in joy when his team won or when he hit an impressive shot, glancing at his second monitor where he sat in a discord call, both him and Punz had their facecams on so Sapnap could just look over and see that Punz was STILL on his phone. He won a match with the final score being way ahead of the other team, deciding to leave it on a positive note "I'm gonna mute and end stream" He said to Punz, not waiting for answer from the blonde before muting his mic

"Chat, we had a good stream today, a lot longer than usual" He said cheerfully, looking towards the camera and giving them a quick wave "Who should we raid..." He scrolled through his followed channels before typing in the command "Alright, guys, go show Tubbo a bit of love... spam 'Sapnap raid' or something, I dunno"

Once he'd ended his stream he unmuted, closing his game and opening minecraft where he started a new creative world with a quiet groan, he gave himself a flint 'n' steel before he started setting everything in reach on fire in a fit of baby rage. Punz realised that he'd returned and looked back at discord, noticing the frustrated look on the ravenette's face "Bro, you good?" He asked with a slight laugh

Sapnap didn't respond, just continuing to wreak havoc on the minecraft world as he pinned his ears down against his head

"Sap, you're still screensharing, what're you doing?' Punz tried "Stuff" Sapnap replied simply, ending the screenshare and switching off his camera. Punz sighed as he muted and stood up, leaving his room and heading down the hall where he pushed Sapnap's door open, walking in and leaning against the door frame "Sap, what's wrong?"

Sapnap looked over at him with a frown, rolling his eyes before turning back to his monitor, tabbing out of minecraft and watching Tubbo's stream. Punz almost snapped back with a comment about his stubbornness but restrained himself, realising that he'd upset the boy and that was why Sapnap wasn't speaking "C'mon, Sap, what did I do?" He said as he walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder

Sapnap shrugged him off, keeping his attention focused on his computer even thought Punz started lightly shaking him, eventually leaning down so that they were at eye level "Just tell me what I did so I can apologise, dude, you can't just sulk about it" Sapnap finally turned back to look at him "You ignored me all stream..."

Punz internally sighed "Bro, you're being childish, I did NOT ignore you"

Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows "You just sat on your phone the whole time"

"I was just responding to a few messages, idiot"

Sapnap slumped in his seat as he folded his arms across his chest, looking away from Punz again as he put his head-set back on, Punz reached over and took them off of him before wrapping an arm around the ravenette's shoulders "Alright, alright, i'm sorry for ignoring you" He muttered "I did see your snipes though, impressive"

Sapnp immediately perked up and a small smile crept onto Punz's face, remembering how much Sapnap valued his compliments so he used it as a method to cheer him up "You did well, i'm proud of you" Sapnap bit back a smile as the tip of his tail started loosely swishing from side to side, Punz quickly noticed his sudden change in attitude, glad that the ravenette seemed happy again "Good boy, you're quite skilled at the game" He added, knowing that the canine side of him would enjoy being called that

Sapnap grinned at the last sentence, tail thumping against his chair while Punz reached down and grabbed his hand, gently squeezing it "I'm sorry, Pup, I didn't mean to ignore you" "I guess I could forgive you..." Sapnap replied, Punz let out a breath that he didn't know he'd been holding "Alright, sounds good... I think that i'm gonna stream as well, you can join me if you want to"

He nodded, turning his PC off and following Punz back to his room, Punz grabbed the boy by the wrist and pulled him down onto his lap "Get comfortable, i'm about to hit go live, I just need to tweet it" He said, Sapnap shifted around a bit before settling down with his head tucked under Punz's chin, clutching one of the taller male's hands in his own as he lifted it up and kissed his knuckles, Punz laughed slightly at the ticklish sensation before ruffling Sap's already messy hair

"Okay... three, two, one, aaaand... we're live!"

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