🧡(💚?)If I could get you the moon...💔✨

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CW: Blood, violence, kidnapping, c!Dream really is a piece of shit-

A/N Haha momma bear... idk wtf this is, maaaan, it's the middle of the fucking night ;-;

As the prison sirens rung through the air, he wiped the hot wet blood from the fresh and thin yet jagged cut on his cheek before shakily getting to his feet, feeling dizzy but knowing that there was a promise... a promise that he had to fulfil out of family honour... and to stop an act of unfair vengeance

Sapnap sheathed his blade forged of netherite and brushed the dust flecked tears away from his eyes as he took it one staggered step at a time, hoping that he'd beat the recently escaped prisoner there but it was definitely a stretch. At least, he thought, I didn't lose the armour... i've got the upper hand in any combat situation unless he takes hostages

He finally arrived at one of his main stops, feeling about ready to collapse, but he was faced with a new challenge... Sapnap gazed up at the hazardous coloured wall, it wasn't necessarily that high but the thing is... it's pretty hard to climb with an injured leg. The ravenette let out a hoarse sigh as he tied his long tousled hair back out of his eyes, pulling a roll of bandages out of the pack slung across his shoulder and stuffing it into his mouth as a sort of makeshift gag so that he wouldn't end up biting his tongue off

He clamped it in between his teeth before stepping back to take a running start, flinging himself towards the wall and just barely gripping the far edge with his aching fingers. Sapnap's face strained and contorted in pain as he slowly heaved his agile body up and over the wall, dropping to the ground on the other side and curling up into a ball to take a breather

It took him a moment but he finally managed to convince his body to get up off of the ground, using the wall as a crutch until he was stable on his own two legs again. Sapnap glanced around until he spotted the house on the small sloping hill, making his way towards it in hope since he didn't see Dream anywhere and there was only a small distance left to go

He threw Tommy's door open and stomped through the building, digging through the blonde's chests until he found a pickaxe, he used the tool to chip a small crack in the stupid wall just large enough for him to slip through if turned sideways, easily getting past the massive obstacle in his path. The roughly cut tunnel had lots of little sharp chunks sticking out, leaving cuts on the more vulnerable skin of his thighs and under arms, but he just kept on trudging through, desperate to get to his final destination before his ex best friend

I'm coming, baby, don't you worry... i'm coming to save you, I won't fail this time

He resisted the tempting urge to succumb to sleep, taking his journey step by step as he started to tremble, each movement of his burning muscles sent shivers down his injured leg and left him almost completely incapacitated, about to scream out at any moment. The longing to sit down was overwhelmingly consuming as his body was practically begging to stop... yet his natural instincts told him to keep going, he knew that the kid was in danger and he wouldn't let himself rest for even just the slightest moment

Sapnap's mouth was starting to feel parched, drier than a desert during a sandstorm, and that left him craving the sweet taste of fresh water spilling down his throat and quenching his ever growing thirst. He let out an involuntary groan of pain followed by a high pitched whimpery whine, knees beginning to buckle and were obviously soon to give out from underneath him, while he was yearning for something... anything... to stop his body from just breaking down under all of the pressure

"You CAN'T stop..." He growled, trying to convince himself "You can't just give up again, you need to help... you HAVE to protect them..."

He perked up at the familiar sight of the giant mushroom, quickly closing the distance between himself and the fungus, and looked around until he spotted the well hidden entrance to the secretive home, unlocking the door and letting himself inside "I'm back!" He called out, excitedly scanning the main room of the house for the one person that had stuck by him, the one that'd loved and accepted him despite everything that had happened in these recent and desperate times...

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