💚Protective much?💔✨

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CW: A very possessive and jealous dragon man lmao, kinda graphic injuries ig

Sapnap, prince of the Overworld

Dream, ruler of the end, part enderdragon (somehow... o_o)

They weren't really ever supposed to meet, but of course they did just that



"YEAH?" He called back from his room


He sighed and put his book down, he'd been reading a history book about the Overworld before his ancestors had taken control and brought some order to the chaos filled world, he exited his room and walked over to his mother, the queen "Yes mom?"

"I know that you're a smart kid but i'd like to repeat one of the rules i've set for you"

"Of course, mother, what is your rule?"

"Stay out of the Nether and DEFINITELY stay put of the End, you are forbidden from entering, the ruler of the End will most likely kill you in an instant and the Nether is a dangerous place"

He bit his tongue as he nodded "Understood, I would never enter the End or the Nether without your full permission anyways"

She smiled "Wonderful"


Dream was lounging around next to one of his healing crystals, soaking up its power when one of his endermen subjects teleported up to him, it whispered something in his ear before teleporting away

"So... the prince is sneaking out again? Interesting..." He mumbled, diving off of the tower and gliding down the endstone floor of the floating island, he stepped into the galactic portal and entered the Overworld

He walked around in the spruce forest, folding his wings so that he would fit between the trees, he found the secret portal that and climbed onto it, perching on the obsidian frame and waiting

It took a while but eventually the ravenette stepped out of the portal, looking around to make sure that nobody was nearby before letting his guard down, Dream laughed at how easy it was and swooped down, he landed right behind Sapnap, Sapnap whipped around with a surprised expression "Hello there, prince Sapnap" Dream said "How do you always find me so fast?" Sapnap groaned

Dream just grinned, flashing his sharp teeth "Magic"

"Look, i'm not supposed to talk to you or even know you, Dream, i'm not supposed to use the portal travel either, can you just leave me alone for once?" Dream frowned "You're MY friend"

"No, that's not how it works, we're friends but I don't belong to you, i'm a person, not an item you can just collect"

Dream huffed and folded his arms "Fine" He turned and stalked off, leaping into the sky and soaring away. Sapnap let out a sigh of relief as he started walking through the forest, picking sweet berries off of the bushes and eating them as he went. Before he knew it, the sun had set and it was nightfall, he tried to find his way back to the portal but he couldn't

"Fuck" He muttered under his breath, pushing bushes aside as he tramped through the woods, he thought about scaling one of the trees to try and see his portal from above but a single skeleton shot could knock him out of the tree and kill him. Speaking of skeletons, he heard the familiar clinking of bones as one came out from behind a tree, it aimed its bow right at him

Sapnap put his hands up and backed away, he tripped over a chunk of mossy cobblestone and scraped his palms, the skeleton let go of the arrow and it soared through the air, hitting him square in the shoulder "AHH!" He cried, pressing his left hand to his right shoulder while the other hung by his side, blood dripped down his shoulder and he felt the sharp flint tip of the arrow deep in his shoulder flesh

The skeleton drew back the bows string, another arrow was already in place of the last one, Sapnap squeezed his eyes shut as he prepared himself. Out of nowhere, Dream appeared and knocked the skeleton to the ground, he grabbed it and launched himself back into the air before dropping it so that it broke into a bunch of little pieces when it hit the dirt

Dream flew back and knelt down next to Sapnap, tilting his head worriedly as the strong scent of human blood filled his nose, he eyed the arrow, it was stuck fast and he didn't know how to safely remove it without increasing the blood that Sapnap had already lost. He took his green hood/cape thing off and put it on Sapnap, scooped him up and flapped his wings, flying high above the tree tops as he eyed the ground, frantically looking for a nearby village

He saw the familiar lights of a small village and dived down, holding Sapnap close to his chest so that there wasn't a strong wind in his face, he landed on the path and spotted a building that looked like it housed a healer, he ran over to it and used his tail to push the door open, ducking under the low doorframe and stepping into the house

A terrified resident looked up at him, he hissed at them, keeping his wings up to hide the unconscious ravenette in his arms "Doctor?" He asked, they slowly nodded so he drew his wings back and held his arms out, gesturing to the arrow with a flick of his head "Fix it"

They shuffled over to him and picked Sapnap up bridal style, setting him down on the counter and grabbing their supplies. Dream anxiously watched them the whole time, once Sapnap's arm was cleaned and bandaged he walked over, crouching down so that he could rest his elbows on the benchtop, the villager packed their stuff up and shakily left the room, probably locking themself in their room

Sapnap slowly opened his eyes and sat up, Dream stood back up at the same time "Oh... hi Dream" He said quietly "Thanks" He slid off the counter and tried to stand but he was pretty wobbly, leaning on the bench for support. Dream reached down and picked him up again, making sure not to touch his injured arm "Hey- put me down" Sapnap said

Dream ignored him and walked outside, flaring his wings and powering up into the air, he flew right past Sapnap's portal, he flew right past the castle where Sapnap lived "Dream, you passed my home, it's back there" He yawned, Dream just kept flying until he ended up at the End portal "Dream?" Sapnap asked confusedly, trying to wriggle out of his grasp

Dream stepped through the portal and the pair arrived at the End, Dream looked around until he spotted the large fortress also known as the End palace "Dream you know that i'm not allowed in the End, please take me home" Sapnap pleaded, Dream just hissed and kept walking until he reached his bedroom, he nudged the door open and stepped inside, sitting down on his bed so that he was leaning against the headboard and Sapnap was on his lap "Dream come on, I need to get home before my mom gets worried"

"Mine" Dream growled, Sapnap sighed, wincing as he accidentally moved his sore arm "You're an idiot, i'm fine, you don't have to protect me"

"You're hurt"

"I'd be perfectly safe in the castle, y'know, where I LIVE"

Dream snorted like a bull as he absentmindedly flicked his tail "Safer here" "Oh really? How am I possibly safer here than in my own home" Sapnap asked

"I'm here"

"That's not a viable reason"

"Yes it is"

"Whatever" Sapnap replied as he rolled his eyes "You're so stubborn that I can't win this argument" Dream smiled slightly "That's the point" "Oh fuck you" Sapnap said fondly "Love you too" Dream replied

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