💚🖤Movie night w/ the bois✨

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A/N I liked their dynamics, the responsible(ish) one, the iconic dumbass e-boy & the chaotic but adorable little raccoon gremlin. No, I will not say who's who, work it out yourself... "Are you lost, bb gril?"

Three idiots on a couch, all of them on their phones. One on twitter, one on reddit and one on youtube 

"Y'know, we should watch a movie tonight" Dream suggested, Punz looked up from his phone "Yeah, that sounds like a TERRIFIC idea" "Don't listen to mr. Edge lord" Sapnap said without removing his eyes from his screen "A movie night sounds fun, what should we watch?"

"First of all, we should work out what genre of movie we want to watch, that should make it a lot easier to decide" Dream said "Better idea, we get a random number generator to pick a genre instead of taking five out doing it ourselves" Punz replied as he opened the notes app on his phone "I'll make a list of numbers, just give me a minute-"

"Okayyyyy... the number is... four" Dream said, Punz looked down at his list and sighed "Welp, we're watching a horror movie, time to make a list of a few of those"

"Fuck that, I hate horror movies" Sapnap groaned "Don't worry, Sap, i'm right here if you get scared" Dream laughed, Sapnap rolled his eyes with a scoff "Dude, you're an even bigger wuss than I am, i'll probably have to comfort YOU" Dream elbowed him "Yeah right, you're scared of thunder"

Sapnap frowned "Dude, too far, you know I don't like talking bout' that" "Thought so, sorry" Dream replied as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck "Right, I've got a movie for us to watch" Punz said as he grabbed the tv remote and switched it on "Go get whatever you want for the movie while I set it up"

About ten minutes later and they were all ready, sitting side by side on the couch with Punz in the middle, Sap on the right and Dream on the left. Sapnap had a blanket, Punz had a large bowl of popcorn and Dream had a glass of coke, Punz pressed play on the movie and they all fell silent, eyes glued to the large screen 


"No, don't open the doo- AHHH!" Sapnap shrieked, Dream started laughing but then he ended up almost falling off of the couch thirty seconds later when he got scared, both of them had ended up moving closer to Punz who was completely unaffected, he was enjoying the movie and hadn't so much as batted an eye "Wow, what a surprise" He said "You're both idiots, the movie isn't even that scary"

"Shut up" Sapnap retorted "You've probably watched this before and know when each jump-scare is" Punz shook his head "I haven't, this is just a movie i've wanted to watch for a while"

Dream groaned "I hate horror movies and horror games and anything that gives me a rush of adrenaline, why did I agree to this" "Same reason I did, we both thought that we'd be fine" Sapnap replied, Punz laughed "Don't worry, bb gril, i'm here"

Sapnap turned to stare him dead in the eyes "I told you to stop calling me that" "And I told YOU to stop stealing my shit, yeah, I know that you're the one stealing my stuff! It wouldn't fit Dream, we've tested it" Punz replied "Well, don't leave your stuff out if you don't want me to take it" Sapnap said, sticking his tongue out at him "YOU'RE LITERALLY WEARING MYYYYY FAVOURITE HOODIE, I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR IT ALL DAY" Sapnap shrugged "You left it out, I took it, that's how it works"

"Ohhhh my goodness, can you stop talking for FIVE MINUTES" Dream groaned "Make me" Sapnap snapped back

"Is that an invitation?"

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, figure it out yourself"

"Don't you fucking dare start making out in the middle of movie night, we're supposed to be watching it but you two keep complaining" Punz interrupted, Sapnap rolled his eyes "You never let us have any fun, in fact, neither of you let me have any fun"

"I literally gave you my lighter and let you burn down a tree the other day, wtf do you mean 'you don't let me have any fun' idiot" Dream replied "Shh, i'm trying to watch this movie" Sapnap said, Dream sighed and turned his focus back to the screen

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