💚💙Blood and Withered Roses💔

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CW//Cigarettes. Blood.

A/N Another story fic i'm writing :) I'll try not to discontinue this one, I swear! It's a zombie post-apocalyptic Dream Team fanfic, I haven't really decided on the ship yet, though, lol.

As an early light broke through the clouds, spilling the dawn over the lands, Dream removed the cigarette from his mouth and blew out a huff of smoke from his chapped lips. The blonde sighed, rubbing his eyes as he hoped for the nicotine to keep him awake, since it was a rough night... Usually, he'd let himself drift off for half an hour or so every now and then, just to keep his mind and body refreshed, but he hadn't been able to catch a wink of sleep all night.

Dream heard a shuffling come from behind him, but didn't bother turning around until the man that he'd met yesterday came and sat down beside him. "Sleep well?" He asked, taking another deep puff of the cigarette. "No... I kept waking up in the night, i'm not used to sleeping like this... I usually have to wake up every couple of hours to scare off the infected from my spot, y'know... It's become almost instinctual to be a really light sleeper at this point." Sapnap muttered.

"Yeah, well, don't worry... I'm just as tired as you are... We all are." Dream replied. Sapnap gave him a loose grin until he noticed the cigarette. "Hey, dude, isn't smoking really fucking bad for you?"

Dream shrugged him off with a groan, turning his head away. "Don't tell me that I defended your ass and let you stay here... All for you to be a fucking health freak nerd or something..." Sapnap shook his head. "No, I just don't think that you really wanna get lung cancer in the apocalypse, y'know."

"I'll be fine, Sapnap, stop worrying about what I'M doing and focus more on yourself," Dream said, looking back at him. "Hey... Wait... Hold your arm out for a minute." "Okay..?" Sapnap answered, slowly holding his left arm out for Dream to see, wincing as the blonde put out his cigarette and grabbed his limb. "Dude, these bandages are fucked... Take them off while I get some new ones."

"What, why!?"

"THOSE are more likely to GIVE you an infection than keep one away... Now take off the fucking bandages or i'll rip them off myself." Dream replied, Sapnap internally rolled his eyes but followed the instructions, carefully unravelling the rolls of yellowish fabric from his body until every bandage was off.

Dream returned with some fresh medicinal supplies and began to clean off the wounds with alcohol swabs, causing Sapnap to bite his bottom lip to keep from yelping out in agony. The blonde began to rewrap his dressings, applying a lot less pressure than Sapnap was used to, which surprised him, because he usually just tried to wrap his bandages as tight as possible in order to keep the blood in. "Why... Why are you doing this so lightly?" He asked, confused.

"Because... This is how you're supposed to do it?," Dream replied, equally confused. "Yours were so tightly wrapped that they were practically cutting off your circulation, Sapnap, i'm honestly surprised that you've made it this long... Your dressings have been causing, like, swelling in the afflicted areas..."

"Oh... Well... I'll, umm, i'll keep that in mind for next time..." Sapnap laughed shakily, still wincing as Dream wrapped the wounds on his arms.

*--* Cut-off to different part. *--*

Sapnap didn't lag far behind the brunette, obviously trying to get George to like him by cracking jokes and bringing up potential topics of interest. George only reluctantly responded, having to be urged to speak by Dream's quiet laughs and occasional elbows to the ribs, but Sapnap didn't even seem to notice this forced reaction. "Hey, George, hey... Hey, hey, George, hey!" He said, stumbling over his words in his eagerness. "What is it..." The older grumbled in response, barely acknowledging the jab in the side from the blonde standing next to him.

Having to jog a little bit to catch up with George's long strides, Sapnap grinned lopsidedly. "Wanna hear a joke? I've got more! Trust me, you'll looooooove theeeeeeem!" George took a deep breath and cleared his head, obviously trying to seem even a tiny bit more enthusiastic. "Yes, Sapnap, I... Sure, i'd just love to hear another joke." He replied, taking a bit of light amusement from the boy's excitement.

"Why... Wait, no-. What does an orphan call a selfie?"


"A...A family photo." Sapnap snorted out, practically cackling at his own joke while George just sighed and Dream started wheezing. "Not funny." George said, shoving Sapnap with his shoulder just enough to slightly imbalance him. As he stumbled, Sapnap narrowed his eyes. "Oh, you're on." He laughed, launching himself forwards and hitting George square in the back.

Hissing in a bit of pain, but also almost laughing, George pushed him again and they continued the vicious cycle. Dream tried to intervene once or twice but backed out, on the brink of laughing as the two of them just kept trying to shove eachother off of the path and into the nearby bushes.

A/N Again, posting this on my main, so you should totally go follow me at  TheLocalAnkleBiter

A/N Again, posting this on my main, so you should totally go follow me at  TheLocalAnkleBiter

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