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A/N So yeah I took this from the other oneshot book, oh well, what're you gonna do about it? Nothing

Dream was running down the path, throwing the doors to the flaming building open and scrambling up the stairs to the roof, when he reached the roof, he stepped out into the smoky air, grunting and clenching his fists when he saw his enemy standing there, waving a match, they smiled "Why so grumpy? Come on baby"

Dream pulled his axe out of it's sling on his back, pointing it towards Sapnap "End of the line, nowhere to go" Sapnap just giggled "Oh no! You caught me! Better hope I don't slip" as he said slip, he stuck his foot out and leaned back, almost tumbling off the building, Dream gasped and took a step forwards before he realised Sapnap didn't fall "Oh no!" He sarcastically pleaded "Please have mercy Dreamy, I've been a bad boy, haven't I?" He smirked at the blush on Dreams face

"Flustered, are we?" Sap taunted and stepped closer to Dream, gently moving his axe and tracing a finger down his nose, booping it before stepping back, Dream snapped back to reality "You're coming with me" he unclipped a pair of handcuffs from his belt "Your little team is busy?" Sapnap sneered as he threw a piece of gum in his mouth, when he was occupied with putting the packet back in his pocket, Dream tackled him, his axe was thrown to the side as he wrestled Sapnap to the ground "You bitch" Sapnap yelled as Dream pinned him down, snapping the handcuffs around his wrists, holding his hands behind his back

Dream stood and yanked Sapnap up by the collar, putting his axe back and noticing the fire had reached the roof, it danced along the wires and smoke came from the now melting air vent, he sighed as Sapnap started laughing "Guess you aren't going anywhere, pretty boy" "Well neither are you" Dream retorted, yanking Sapnap back as a portal opened right where he once stood, he heard a laugh and saw another villain, Quackity, hovering about 4-5 metres in the air, holding Karl by the arms "Hey Karl! Big Q!" Sapnap called happily

"Hey Sap" Karl waved slightly before snapping another portal right beside Sapnap, who almost got out of Dreams grip, but Dream pulled him back, Sapnap groaned "Come on, stop being such try hard and just let me go cutie" Sapnap knew this would get a rise out of the blonde "Stop flirting with the fuckwad and get in the portal" Quackity called down "I'M TRYING Q" Sapnap yelled back, Dream pulled his radio off his belt, talking fast and low into it and suddenly a dagger flew through the air, knocking the radio right out of Dreams hand, Karl laughed at the look on Dreams face

But he stopped laughing as soon as he saw something whirling through the air towards him "Q! UP UP UP" He screeched and Quackity went higher just in time, a razor disc skimmed the bottom of Karl's boot,  Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur dropped onto the rooftop "Where did you lot come from" Sapnap yelled over his shoulder, barely being heard over the roaring fire around them "Take him back to the station" Wilbur said and Dream nodded, catching the smoke mask Wilbur threw at him and dragging Sapnap down the fire escape stairs, the air was thick with smoke but surprisingly, Sapnap was fine, apart from dragging his feet they made it down without any complications

Dream walked down the streets, dragging the criminal behind him until he reached the lock centre, a top security building that sits upon the prison cells nicknamed 'the catacombs' where they keep the 'villains' people they deem more dangerous than your average serial killer or bank robber because they possess some powerful trait or weapon, like Quackitys wings, Sapnaps fire immunity, Karl's portals, Skeppys ability to generate shards of pure diamond and the literal demon he's (platonically) dating, there a couple others but they are nowhere near as well known as those 5

He entered the code and unlocked the custom cell made for Sapnap, fire proof and one way bullet proof glass about 2.25inches thick, shoving Sapnap inside before unclipping the handcuffs, stepping out and shutting the door, locking it again before setting off to help Wilbur and his brothers. He raced back to the building, the fire patrol had extinguished the fire and the trio were standing there talking to the fire chief, Dream walked over to them "Did you catch them?" He asked and they shook their heads "Tommy got a slice on his shoulder from one of those razor cards before they left through a portal" Dream sighed "I'll be off then, I've got someone I need to talk to" Wilbur nodded "Bye big Drè" Tubbo waved and Dream waved back "Bye Tubs"

He set off down the streets, heading to the outskirts, guiding his way by the light of the setting sun that drowned in shades of orange and purple, the last streaks of day fading into night like paintbrush strokes on a canvas and sprinkled with the glimmers of stars

Sapnap POV

I sat in my cell, smiling "Hush little darlin', don't say a word" I sung to myself "Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird"

"And if that mockingbird don't sing Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring"

I tilted my head, someone finished my song and was looking through the glass, I could feel it so I gave them a big grin "Come join me~" I teased "We could have so much fun if you just let me out" I stood and walked over to the glass, they must have flipped some switch because the glass lost it's shimmer and I could see out of it again, my sister stood in front of me "Hey sis" she just shook her head "Sap, why do you do this? We could've helped the world, mom was so proud when I got into the academy" I frowned "She mostly cared for you though, I was nothing but her second born burden, you were... No, you ARE the perfect child, you're the favourite"

She gave me a pitying look "We could have had everything, the world is a canvas and we could've painted it with all the good things yet you turned to the dark so quickly" "YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU?" I snapped "She never showed me any love, as soon as dad died, she only cared for her perfect daughter, she ignored me everyday, the only time she acknowledged my existence was to criticize me and shame me on how I wasn't doing well enough"

"You can still fix this Sap, you can be a hero"

"I love you, but Tess, the world is black and white and I'm just a stroke of grey, another mistake in the eyes of power"

"You could be so much more though, we could-"

"Who are the real villains, Tess, because I'm just righting the wrongs, I'm doing what needs to be done, all you're doing is making it worse, delaying the inevitable" I laughed to myself

"Tess, mark my words, you will pay, everyone will pay for what they've done"

"What do y-"

"It's to late to stop it, I will get out of here and no one will be safe, this little mockingbird is gonna sing again~"

A/N 2: Not proofread

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