💙Please don't cry💔🔪

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CW: Gasp... more yandere content? Y'know what that means! Killing, torture, manipulation, possessiveness and bottling blood like some sort of serial killer :) I didn't make it as gruesome as I first planned though, these are so fun to write lmao

Sapnap, Dream and George, a little trio that were seemingly always together until Sapnap got engaged to his two fiances; Karl and Quackity. George didn't mind spending time away from Dream and Sapnap but the fact that one of his best friends was engaged really pissed him off, he barely put up with Karl and Quackity which was pretty easy since Quackity was almost always in his country while Karl was nowhere to be found

Had to go off and get engaged, didn't you? You would rather spend all your time with them rather than us, rather than ME

He rolled his eyes and grumbled as he left his house and saw the three weed smoking girlfriends standing at the edge of the forest, they seemed pretty happy until he came a little bit closer and heard them arguing over something "-ow am I supposed to remember you when you're off building your own country!? You wanna know WHY we built Kinoko? So that WE would have our own kingdom, Quackity, WE as in ALL THREE OF US"

"Well, guess what, Karl? NOBODY FUCKING TOLD ME ABOUT KINOKO, YOU JUST ABANDONED ME SO I MADE MY OWN WAY IN LIFE WITHOUT YOU" Quackity snapped back, Sapnap stood between the two and was pushing them away from eachother "Guys, calm down please... we can sort this out like reasonable peo-"

"Oh shut UP, Sapnap, i'm not letting anybody walk all over me anymore" Quackity interrupted "Don't yell at him, he didn't do anything wrong! You're such a fucking jerk, Quackity, maybe it's better if you stay in Las Nevadas" Karl replied, all three of them fell silent as Karl realised what he had said "Wait- no, Quackity, I didn't mean it"

Quackity just looked away from him "Yeah, maybe it would be better" He turned and stalked off in the direction of his country while Karl snapped a branch off of a tree and threw it as far as he could "ARRGHH- FUCK, why is he so STUBBORN"

"Karl, you just passive aggressively told him to get the fuck out of our country, so he left, that's not being stubbor-"

"Whatever, just... just leave me alone" Karl interrupted as he walked away, leaving his fiance torn between staying in Kinoko and following Karl or chasing after Quackity and trying to make amends, instead, he chose neither and just sat down on the grass with a sigh. George watched him with a frown on his face, the vibe had changed completely and it was just uncomfortable to be here anymore so he returned to his house

He sat down on his couch and picked up his glittering netherite axe, admiring the way it reflected the sunlight streaming through the clouds and brushing a finger along the sharp curve of the deadly blade

How fun it would be to watch it slice straight through their arrogant throats, maybe that'll shut them up for once... get them to stop arguing

He sat up suddenly, firmly gripping the handle of the axe "Well... would anybody really care if they just... disappeared? Karl's practically never around, Quackity is always in Las Nevadas and the only person he actively talks to is that slime guy" He muttered "Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of... fun"

He stood up and grabbed his leather satchel before leaving his house through the back door, he decided to go to Quackity first so he ran to catch up with the frustrated man. Quackity turned around with a groan to see who was behind him, the last thing he heard was a quiet 'ffffwhip' as something was shot into his neck, he clapped a hand to the spot where he was hit before his eyes drooped shut and he toppled over

George lifted him up and set him on his shoulder, making his way to his main house that wasn't in Kinoko


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