💚Siren song✨

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A/N What if I just... describe what they look like now so that it's a bit easier to imagine? Oh well, that's what i'm doing

Sapnap: Shoulder length wavy black hair. One blue eye and one orange eye, orange eye has a black crescent while the blue eye has a white crescent. Light gray scales scattered across his legs. A small birthmark on his right cheek in the shape of a crescent moon and three stars, the moon is the same colour as the scales and the stars are white. He's very quirky 'n' cool so he has legs AND a tail, the tail is attached to his spine, not his ass, and he can move it separately to his legs. The tail is light gray, like the scales, with a plain white underbelly, the underbelly has a few pearlescent scales scattered around. Two light blue horns tipped with white. A pair of bioluminescent antennae like the ones that angler fish have. A gray shark-like dorsal fin on his back

He wears a cropped black singlet that exposes about an inch of skin above his waist. A white belt with a couple of metal clips on it for no apparent reason. Black shorts. A pearl necklace. A thin chain with pearls strung between his horns. A white band with a small square of metal that holds a white diamond wrapped around his left leg

Dream: Light tan/light blonde hair goes halfway down his neck, has a few strips of dyed white hair. Light green eyes. A handful of freckles on his cheeks. A small tattoo of a smiley face on his right wrist

He wears a white button up shirt. A red coat with gold accents that reaches his waist. A pearl earring in his right ear. A fawn brown pirate hat with gold accents and a dove feather. A pair of soft leather lace-up boots that almost reach his knees. A brown belt that has two small bags attached to it. Fingerless black gloves. Two bracelets, one gold and one silver. A small chain necklace with a couple of shark teeth strung onto it

"This could be perfection, venom dripping in your mouth~ Singin' like a siren, love me while your wrists are bound... you've been seein' me in your dreams but i'll be there when your reality drowns" He sung quietly to himself, letting his body drift along with the weak current, the sunlight bounced off of his pearlescent scales and cast little beams of sparkling light into the water around him "You can preeetend that when you hear my voice, darling it's a choice not to fall in~ But it's all an act cause' I know exactly what you're wanting, you know it's what i'm wanting"

He had no clue that his singing could be heard above the surface or that there was somebody laying in the toasty rays of the sun on the beach, he assumed that the water was blocking out his voice even though was quite close to the surface compared to where he usually swims


Dream was sitting on the beach, staring out at the horizon where the beautiful light blue sky met the royal blue water, he suddenly heard a captivating voice coming from... the water?

Huh? How could it be coming from the ocean? Maybe there's a wreckage with a waterproof radio or something, I could swim down and grab it for my own ship

He stood up, brushed the sand off of himself before stepping into the water, he stopped when it reached his knees "That is... a dropoff... oh well" He laughed, diving down without bothering to remove any items of clothing since he knew that he would dry off fast in the sun

He got pretty far into the water before stopping and looking around, he couldn't see remains of any wrecked ships, in fact, the seafloor was pretty rocky so wood would stick out. He was about to swim back up but his boot was trapped beneath one of the rocks, he reached down and tried to tug his foot out but the rock wouldn't budge

His chest was feeling tight and he knew that he couldn't hold his breath for much longer, the singing stopped and he felt something swimming behind him so he turned around, expecting a fish but what he saw was... VERY different

Staring back at him was a not-quite-human boy with a tail similar to that of a dolphin, he had gills on the sides of his neck, there were silver scales splashed across his legs and a few on his face, sitting atop his head was a pair of antennae similar to those of a female angler fish but two instead of one. He looked at Dream with curiosity as he swam around him a few times before stopping a few metres from him

Probably wondering why I threw myself down here and gave him a free snack, well... R.I.P me


Sapnap studied the human curiously, he must've gotten stuck under one of the boulders since he wasn't swimming back up to the surface. This wasn't the first time he'd seen the sailor, he spent his days trailing the boat around while listening to the people onboard singing sea shanties and telling stories

Well i'd rather not lose my only source of entertainment plus he's kinda cute, i'm gonna help him

He swam closer, reaching out but they jerked away, lashing out at him when he came even closer, Sapnap sighed and cleared his throat before starting to sing again, this time he had a purpose in mind so his voice would trance anybody who heard "Sailors live so restlessly... come with me, sleep peacefully~ listen to this siren song, worry not for nothing's wrong~" Dream stopped struggling and his eyes were unfocused, Sapnap watched a rush of bubbles escape from his mouth as he took in a mouthful of water, eyes fluttering shut as he seemed to pass out

Sapnap swam over to him and gently grabbed his cheeks with both hands, tilting the sailor's head up and pressing their lips together, when he broke away, Dream blinked rapidly as his head cleared and he started to take in even more water but somehow he was... breathing?

Sapnap grabbed him by the wrists and dragged him to the beach before turning and diving back beneath the foaming waves, leaving Dream there in utter shock and amazement as he tried to work out that he'd just witnessed

"A... siren... I just met a fucking siren and I could breathe... under the water"

A/N Felt like posting on my personal account if you were ever so slightly interested, it's @-ed on my (this accounts) bio ig

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