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CW//Mild Hypothermia.

He was cold.

That was an understatement, he was frozen solid.

Trudging through the flurry of snow, eyes barely staying open as he pushed onwards, the knee deep wasteland sending a chill directly to his bones. His lips were cracked and blue, teeth chattering in his partly open mouth as he huffed out another breath, but he didn't stop.

He knew that he was fucked when he'd been struck by sudden nausea in the middle of an exploration, right after he'd wound up in an icy tundra right before a storm, only to get the sudden urge to hurl and pass out... But that hadn't stopped him from trying, he'd sworn that he'd seen smoke not too far away... And, oh XD, he'd be damned if he didn't at least TRY to make it to the signal...

Even if it was just a smouldering campfire, Sapnap would be glad to take any chance that he could in order to warm up... He didn't know what had happened, he'd been feeling perfectly fine all day until he suddenly got smacked square in the face with some random and unexpected dizziness... He knew that didn't deal well with cold temps, but he didn't think that it would come back and bite him in the ass so soon... It was quite inconvenient, to say the least, especially when he was hunting for an escaped convict... Dream...

Sapnap's eyes fluttered shut as he resisted the temptation to throw up, swallowing back the acidic bile in his throat as he got struck with another wave of nausea. The dizziness started to become too much and he began to wobble on his feet, reaching out to lean against a spruce tree only to come crashing down into the snow. The boy shivered, curling up into a ball as he lay in the thick blanket of snow, more and more little white crystals drifting down from the cloudy sky and landing on his already frostbitten skin.

He wasn't even gonna lie, he'd never been this cold or this miserable in his entire life... He wasn't sure if it was tears spilling, snowflakes drifting, or just his collapse starting to get to him, but his vision was growing blurry, rendering him almost completely incapacitated, barely able to do so much as rub his eyes as the chill seemed to make every limb fifty times heavier. The cold whipped and stung at his eyes, ears, cheeks, and his nose... Not to mention the fact that he couldn't even feel half of his body, and definitely not enough of it to get back onto his feet and keep trudging on.

Sapnap didn't even flinch as the sound of horse hooves pushing through the snow drew closer and closer, as he couldn't hear or see any of it over the roar of the snow and his own pounding heartbeat. Suddenly, they stopped, and a pair of thick winter boots thumped down onto the ground beside him.

The man raised an eyebrow in surprise, wondering how and why Sapnap had been out in a deadly snowstorm without any sort of actual protection... Surely, this was a trap, and there were going to be people hiding in the nearby trees for him to lower his guard... Something that he'd do for nobody but his best friend... But what if it wasn't..? What if he'd been caught out and gotten lost in the slush and the snow?

Dream wasn't that cruel, and even if it WAS an ambush, he'd rather fall for it knowing that he's not completely heartless instead of learning later on that it was never a trap and that he'd left his best friend to die of hypothermia... So, he leaned down and picked up the raveonette with one arm under the knees and the other under his back, bridal style, before taking a moment to brush some of the boy's ebony hair out of his now shut eyes before turning and resaddling his horse.

He set Sapnap down in front of him, taking his own heavy wool coat off and draping it over his shoulders before preparing to set off once again, one arm wrapped firmly around his lower torso whilst the other clutched the reins of his horse. He gave them a quick flick and they were off, galloping through the howling storm of swirling snowflakes, the crystals whipping against his cheeks and causing him to grunt in minor pain.

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