💚💙A monster!?💔

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-Snapman POV-

"Hey guys?" George called out as he walked into the lounge "Yeah?" Dream replied "Have you heard the news yet, in the past two months there have been 2 mass killings" I scoffed "What do you mean by 'mass killings' as in more than 50 people or just a household or two?"

George narrowed his eyes at me, frowning slightly at me "It was around 10-15 people each time, that's a lot of people for a town as small as ours" I shrugged him off "Oh well, they'll catch the killer eventually"

I walked into the kitchen and checked the calendar, it was Friday today, I yanked open the fridge and grabbed a can of coke before heading to my room "SAPNAP" I heard Dream call "WHAT!?" I yelled back angrily, having just settled down "WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER" I laughed to myself "I DON'T NEED DINNER, NOT HUNGRY" then lay down on my bed after locking my door "I'M GOING TO SLEEP EARLY, DON'T WAKE ME UP" I added as a precaution before sliding my closet doors open

I slipped into some loose black shorts and a black singlet 2-3 sizes too big just in case. The moon was rising over the trees and I opened my curtains, welcoming the extra light that dripped into my room. Quick enough, it was time, I slipped out of my window and threw my shoes back inside, leaving me in loose clothing and no footwear in the middle of the night, actually it was probably only 9-10pm

Either way, I let the light wash over me, the change was simple and pain free but the grunts and groans I let out accidentally from discomfort were worrying, thankfully nobody heard them and I perked my canine ears, stalking down the road with a hunched figure (He gets taller/wider shoulders, he grows wolf ears, a large tail, canine fangs, claws and his legs turn into wolf paws from the knees down but nothing else really changes except his eyes are animalistic and he gets a bit stronger)

I tilted my head up and sniffed, there was a car coming down the road. Driving around the outskirts late at night? Haven't you heard about the 'mass killings?' I giggled, it grew louder and louder until passerbyers would think a hyena had gotten loose. The car was about 20 metres away so I jumped into the middle of the road and leaped onto the hood of the car

It swerved and pressed on the brakes quickly but I just climbed over the roof and bounded down the road, powerful hind legs giving me good speed

-Third POV-

George heard a car brake squealing and watched as a car swerved around on their road so he grabbed Dream and rushed out, they called emergency services for the guy and Dream waited with him while George went to check on Sapnap. He knocked on the door "Sapnap?" he asked, no answer "Sapnap" still no answer. Is he asleep already? George opened the door, well, tried to and it was locked

He groaned and grabbed the bobby pin out of his pocket, twisting it in the lock until the door swung open with a click, nobody was in the room "Where did he g-" George noticed the open windows because the wind made the blackout curtains billow

"Sapnap" he whispered before rushing back out to the two on the side of the road "Sir, did you see what hit you?" he asked quickly "y-yes" he responded "It was human-ish but it had the speed of a wolf and the strength of a bull, black hair and a-average height"

George looked back at Dream "I think it's Sap, he wasn't in his room and the window was open" Dream shook his head grimly "You're probably right but I don't wanna believe it, our bff, a killer?"

They saw the ambulance coming down the road so they moved away "Where do you think he went?" Dream asked, "Well, if he ran this way... I know where he's heading and if we hurry, we could get there in time to stop him." The two got in Dream's car and George was driving, determination washed over his face as they zoomed down the deserted roads

George pulled up at his ex's house and they rushed inside to see their friend sitting on the floor, tail swishing side to side as he hunched over a corpse "Oh no, no, no, Sapnap why!?" George cried and the boy whipped around to face him "Georgie" he said gleefully and stood up, stepping over but Dream intervened, standing between the two "Sap, why? Why would you kill, w- why do you-" he looked from the fur covered legs to the tail to the ears and finally back to Sapnap's eyes "Werewolf" Sapnap hissed "Bred, born and raised to kill, you're lucky you even lasted two months while living with me but I wouldn't kill you"

He reached a clawed hand out but Dream slapped it away "Don't touch me" Sap frowned "Why? You're not... scared of me, right? I would never hurt you on purpose" Dream stepped back, pushing the brunette behind him, Sapnap had hurt in his eyes but it quickly turned to anger 'You ARE scared, what about me fucking scares you!? Is it the ears, the tail, the teeth" He gestured to the fangs "Or the claws?" He flexed his fingers

"Or is it just me in general, you're afraid I'm gonna hurt you, kill you, inflict fatal wounds upon you" Sapnap stepped back, treading in the pile of blood that slowly covered the white kitchen tiles, revealing the dead body with the throat torn out lying on the ground behind him "Well, you have killed so many peo-" George started

Sapnap shook his head furiously "What am I to you? You're best fucking friend or or or, some shitty errr" "You're a monster, you had no provocation to att-" Dream was cut off, Sapnap looked back at them "A monster? A MONSTER!?" he roared and clenched his fists, tail sweeping between his legs and tears pricked his eyes "Well then, this monster will leave you be" he wiped his eyes, turned and fled, leaping through a window and escaping into the woods

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