💚That's my girl!✨

260 11 13

CW: Mentions of gender dysphoria

A/N Imma be honest, I just needed to write something about someone being trans at some point and also, like, I hardly ever have any female characters in... Anything... So this is killing two birds with one stone ig.

Sapnap took a deep breath and prepared, knowing that Dream would be outside at any moment, expecting to hear the prepared news. The raveonette tugged on the sleeves of their hoodie and finally worked up the courage to step out, squeezing their eyes shut and waiting for the taller to say the first words.

"Sap?," Dream asked confusedly. "Uhh... What are you wearing? I mean- not in a bad way, of course, i'm just wondering! Because, like, you've never worn that before."

"Well... There's a first time for everything, right?," Sapnap chuckled nervously, eyes slowly cracking open. "Anyways, I brought you here, to a spot in your own house, because I have some VERY important news to share with you, okay?"

Dream nodded along, a bit worried but otherwise excited, maybe it had something to do with George's visa? Or maybe it was about a stream! Or, perhaps, some family related problem that meant that Sap had to go back to Texas for a while... That wouldn't be preferable... "Okay, understood, just tell me when you're rea-."

"I'm trans, transgender, i'm not a boy."

"-dy." Dream finished, taking a moment to even process the words before the cogs started turning in his brain. "Oh, shit- what should I call you then, dude? WAIT NO- can I still call you dude? Because, like, I can stop doing it if you want me to." Sapnap laughed, shrugging him off with a smile. "No, it's okay... The words 'dude' and 'bro' and other shit... They've just been drilled into my head for so long that they just don't trigger any sort of dysphoria- and, you should call me 'she' or any other sort of feminine pronoun because i'm... I'm a girl... And I want somebody else to know that so that I can't talk myself out of it."

"You got it, bro," Dream replied with a grin of his own. "How many other people have you told so far? If...If you don't mind me asking." Sapnap looked around a bit before answering, glancing from wall to wall. "Well, uh... You're actually the first person, Dream, because honestly I just trust you the most," She said hesitantly, scratching the mess of really tousled black hair. "Plus, I only just kinda realised a couple of days ago... And I started calling myself a girl, mentally, just to see how it felt! And... I... Felt... Sooooo much BETTER than before."

"AHA! I'm SO much better than George and Punz and Karl and Quackity and EVERYONE!," Dream cheered, obviously trying to make the situation a bit more light hearted in order to make Sap feel more comfortable since she was anxiously scratching the same spots on her arm over and over. "You love me more than all of them, this is great

Dream walked over and scooped the raveonette up, twirling the pair of them around in a circle. "I'm so fucking glad to know that you trust me because, honestly, i'd trust you with my life," He laughed, craning his neck down so that he and Sap were face to face, just barely apart. "And... Now you're MY wife!" Sapnap shoved his face away with a laugh, kicking her legs up and down. "Put me DOWN! You fucker, i'm in a skirt!"

"Pshhh... Calm down, there's no one else here apart from Patches and she's a freaking cat." Dream replied, refusing to be deterred too easily. Sapnap stuck her tongue out and jokingly sneered at him, laughs becoming muffled as the blonde leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips. "MY wife, you can't deny it any longer!"

Sapnap rolled her eyes with a scoff. "We're not even married, you dingus... Stop talking about marriage and planning our supposed wedding when you haven't even thought about proposing to me." Dream stuck his tongue out as well. "Yeah, well, when we DO get married then you're gonna be my wife and it'll be funny."

"When..?" Sapnap said with a raised eyebrow. "Since when did I accept any engagement rings, Dreamy boy, huh? There's no definite, who said that i'd say yes?" Dream comically batted his eyelashes, blinking at stupidly fast speeds. "Well... Because... You love me..?" Sapnap just shrugged. "Well... I mean... You're not wrong," She giggled. "Plus, I would look fucking AMAZING in a wedding dress, admit it."

Dream took a moment to think, a smirk creeping onto his face. "Y'know what else you'd look good in?" He snickered, still holding his partner in his arms. "What?" Sapnap replied somewhat innocently. "A maid dress-."

"I am...," Sapnap held up her thumb and right index finger, keeping them barely spaced apart. "THIS close to slapping you, got it?"

"It's a joke! Just a joke! I'm sorry!" Dream laughed, flinching away when Sapnap raised her hand. "I mean... I'm not lying, but it's still just a joke- OUCH!" He rubbed his cheek while Sapnap snorted, wrapping the arm back around Dream's shoulders as he almost dropped her. "Fuck you... Now, take me inside, i'm tired."

"Why should I?," Dream replied, still tenderly rubbing his face with one hand. "You literally just slapped me across the face, why would I carry you inside?"

"Because I wanna show you a dress that I actually just bought yesterd-."


A/N Women are very pog and champ. Might do FTM cause' i'm FTNB and can relate to that kind of transitioning lol.

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