🖤Cinnamon, Spice, & Unfinished Assignments✨

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A/N || Guess who's baaaaaaaack! The world's best wattpad author, with my nonexistent upload schedule and rapidly changing writing style... 

I know, I know, I disappeared for almost a month again.. That's it, I can't be bothered thinking up an excuse, so take the revamped scene of my Punznap coffee shop AU... I'm currently attempting to write an entire fic about this AU, so bear with me.

CW || None.

|| Thursday ||

|| Punz ||

Sometimes, when you simply order coffee, you'll meet your soulmate... Now, that does sound strange out of context, but just wait and hear me out...

Sighing, Punz opened his macbook back up and logged in, trying to get some work done whilst sipping on his iced coffee. "God, I fucking haaaaate this...," He grumbled, slamming the plastic cup down on the tabletop as he drummed his fingers in a slow rhythmic pattern. "Why is coding so hard..." Punz leaned back in his chair and glanced around the small shop, there were only two workers behind the spruce counter, the middle section being made out of a glass display case that housed various treats.

Aside from himself and the staff manning the store, there were only a handful of other customers occupying the cafe... Well, less of a cafe and more of a cosy little coffee shop that sold a few foods. He shut his eyes and let his mind wander, trying to take a break and escape from the seemingly endless lines of code. He was supposed to code a program to solve a problem, and this assignment had been given to his class over a week ago, but he hadn't made so much as a dent in the issue... Even after what felt like hours upon hours of writing the script.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching him, but he didn't bother to open his eyes, just letting his body flop forwards and resting his head on the table. "Hey... Umm... You look like you're having some problems, would you like some help..?" A surprisingly squeaky voice said, he'd glanced at both of the staff when he'd ordered and the one he'd spoken to sounded nothing like this... They were both easily around his age, he was almost completely sure, but this guy sounded like puberty had barely touched his voice... He knew that this wasn't one of the other customers, as they were all either women or well over the age of thirty.

"Uhh... No, no thanks, I don't think that you'd be able to help me." He laughed quietly, the chuckle melting into another long sigh. He heard the offering barista sit down on the chair beside him, obviously glancing at his computer, and Punz slowly raised his head to give them an 'I told you so' expression. He got a good look at them while they studied his screen, taking a single sweeping gaze, and started noticing a few little things that he hadn't seen when he was ordering because they'd had their back turned to the rest of the shop the whole time that he'd been up there.

They swept a stray lock of their fluffy ebony hair out of their eyes, tucking it behind one of their pierced ears as they leaned forwards. Punz watched as their mocha eyes flicked from line to line, reading attentively, before his own eyes drifted down to the smattering of freckles dashed across their cheeks and the bridge of their nose.

Hold on... He's actually kind of cute...

He snapped his eyes back up as the raveonette cleared his throat, giving him an awkward smile. "I think I know what you're missing... So, do you want my help? I'm more than willing to offer my advice..." They said shyly.

"Okay... Look... I don't mean to be rude, but this isn't something that regular people just know," He replied, trying not to sound too harsh or stuck up. "This is college level computer science, i'm majoring in it, I don't think that you'll be able to solve it."

"Oh..? I was actually going for a major in computer sciences as well, sir, before I dropped out last semester," They laughed. "I understand this kind of stuff pretty well, and I can see what you're getting wrong... Does it really hurt your ego that much to have somebody help you with your work?"

Punz's eyes flicked down to the nametag pinned to his black apron that was belted loosely around the waist, the colour matching his ebony hair nicely, and read what was printed onto it. "Well... I don't really know if I should trust the judgement of a dropout, 'Sapnap'." He said simply. Sapnap sighed, getting up from the chair beside Punz, before turning to walk away.. "Alright then, I WON'T help you... Have fun struggling, I guess."

"Wait- umm... It couldn't hurt to try your idea, I guess..." Punz added quickly, ushering him to sit back down again, and hating how Sapnap gave him a smug grin before he turned the computer to face him and started typing. Once he was done, he pressed enter and turned it back to Punz. "There you go... You were missing an important variable and your existing ones were in an incorrect order, there was no way for your script to run smoothly... At least, I attempted to solve the problem, I don't actually know what your assignment was..."

The blonde read over the lines of code, eyes widening in surprise as he double checked what the original problem was. "Wait... How did you know how to do that!?" He asked confusedly. "I know that you said that you were majoring in this... But this is stuff from MY level, and I assume that you're a year or two behind me... Which means that this isn't stuff that you would've studied... What the hell!"

Shrugging, Sapnap smiled proudly. "You're welcome... I'm friends with two hardcore coders, they teach me a lot... Or rather, I sit in a call with them for hours and listen to them rage over code, so I pick up a few things, I guess."

"Well... Thanks for the help, dude... But I should probably get started on another assignment..." Punz muttered, internally rolling his eyes. "Do you want any more help?," Sapnap asked curiously. "We're not too busy today, so I can spare some time to tutor you if you'd like me to..."

"I... Just today..?"

"I mean... I work most days... So you're welcome to come in at pretty much any of the opening times," He said happily. "Also, since you know my name, may I get the pleasure of knowing yours..?"

"It... It's Punz."


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