💚It's just a bit of water✨

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There was no response

He tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge, It must've been locked from the inside since his key didn't work, Dream sighed and walked around the outside of the house to find a window to climb in, he managed to get inside and look around the building but Sapnap was nowhere to be seen

He grit his teeth and unlocked the door to exit, a large raindrop hit him in the face but he ignored it when he heard something coming from the woods "SAP?" he called out again but there still wasn't a response. He pulled his hood up and clipped his mask on before running out into the woods, shoving branches aside as he tried to locate the faint sound "SAPNAP! ARE YOU OUT HERE?"

He stumbled upon the edge of the tundra where the rain turns to snow, there were a lot of large boulders scattered around and that's where the sound seemed to be coming from, Dream walked over and found a small ditch partially covered by the rock where his friend was hiding "Sapnap? What're you doing?" he asked confusedly, Sapnap slowly opened one eye and mumbled a response


"S' cold, here's warm" he repeated, pointing to the drips of lava in the bottom of the ditch "It's warmer in your house, why didn't you just go home? It's not even that cold out today" Dream laughed, Sapnap folded his arms and shook his head aggressively "I can't"

Dream tilted his head "You... can't?" "I can't" Sapnap parroted back "It's just a little bit of rain, it can't hurt you"

Sapnap turned his head away with a grunt, completely ignoring Dream "Alright then, we're going home, sitting in hole is not productive" Dream reached down and pulled Sapnap up onto the powdery snow, Sapnap's eyes flew open and he scrambled back with a hiss of pain "No, I'm s-staying here"


"Dream are you fucking stupid, i'm from the nether, water burns me"

"Wh- ohhhh" Dream breathed, scratching the back of his head awkwardly "Sorry... my bad, do you want any help getting back?" Sapnap nodded, shivering slightly "Yes please" Dream pulled his hoodie and mask off, passing them down to the ravenette who slipped the hoodie on over his short sleeved shirt and held the mask up to block the snowflakes as he climbed out of the ditch "Thanks"

"No problem"

A/N Based off of a random headcanon that c!Sapnap is burned by water like people are burned by lava

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