🖤Skys the limit✨

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A/N Been doing a lot of the same pairing so imma switch it up a bit, just bear with me, gonna do one I haven't done before o_o

"OH COME ON! How come YOU have wings but I don't?"

"We're not the same kind of demon, idiot, my kind has wings and yours doesn't"

"That's STILL not fair, wings would help me get around the Nether easier, how do wings help you???"

"Well I can just get around easier, I don't even use them that often because it drains my energy when I fly for too long"

Sapnap rolled his eyes "Of course you don't use them, just rubbing salt in the wound"

Punz shrugged "Oh well, sucks to be you I guess, I have two things that you'll never have"

"Two things..? What's the second thing?"


Sapnap punched him in the shoulder "Shut the fuck up" Punz shoved him back "Dude stop hitting me just because you're short" "I'M NOT, I'M JUST BARELY SHORTER THAN GEORGE, I'M AVERAGE HEIGHT"

"Oh really? Being like 2ft tall is average height?"

"I'm 5'9'' bitch, not my fault that you're abnormally tall" "I'm only, like, 6ft, Dream's taller than me, he's the abnormally tall one" Punz replied "Whatever, Punzo" Sapnap retorted

"Go fuck yourself, dumbass"

"Why don't YOU, pussy... that came out wrong" Sapnap said, Punz doubled over laughing as Sapnap went red from embarrassment "I didn't mean it like that!" He insisted "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say" Punz said between laughs

Sapnap elbowed him "Stop laughing, it wasn't that funny"

"Yes, yes it was"

Sapnap crossed his arms across his chest and waited until Punz stopped laughing "Ya' done?" He asked "Yeah" Punz replied, wiping a tear from his eye with a stupid smile on his face before spreading his pure white wings, Sapnap turned so that his back was facing the blonde "Stop rubbing it in, I get it, I can't fly but you can"

Punz laughed quietly before walking over to him and grabbing him by the waist, flapping his large wings and launching both of them into the air "Wha- PUNZ!" Sapnap said in surprise. He flew higher and higher until they were way above the ground, he started lazily drifting through the air and occasionally flapping his wings to stay that high "This is so cool" Sapnap breathed, admiring the bright blue sky without a cotton candy cloud to be seen

"It really is" Punz agreed, Sapnap grinned as they flew over the rolling green hills and fields of flowers, the water below them sparkled like diamonds, the pair landed back where they started and Sapnap hugged him tightly "Thaaank you!"

"Wait a minute, I gave you something so I get something in return, that's how business works"

"Okay fine, what do you want? Money, food, another favour to hold over my head for years, what is it?"

"Kiss me" He said simply, Sapnap just awkwardly stared at him before speaking "No"

"Alright then, give me Kinoko Kingdom, all of your money and all of your armour"

"Shut up dude, you know that i'm engaged, I can't just run around making out with anyone I want"

"Come on man, Karl is never around and when was the last time Quackity contacted you?" Punz rolled his eyes

Sapnap idly shifted his body weight from leg to leg, contemplating Punz's words "You're right.. but still... I guess one couldn't hurt" Punz excitedly leaned down and Sapnap kissed him on the cheek "There, you happy now?"

"Nuh uh, on the lips" Punz replied "Whatever, fine" Sapnap sighed, kissing him again as Punz cupped his chin in his hands. They split apart, both slightly red in the face "Was that better?" Sapnap asked, trying to catch his breath back, Punz nodded and stood up straight again "So... wanna go flying again?"


A/N Ew, I hate this but ya' gotta learn from your mistakes, too bad my parents never learnt :')

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