💚The tournament✨

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Slow, steady, observant, patient... that's what makes a good hunter... or so I was told

He snapped his head up at the sound of a twig snapping underfoot, heavy footfalls filled his ears as he peered around from his position in the thick branches of the grand oak. He watched a tall figure carelessly enter the small clearing, a mischievous grin creeping across his cherry red lips as he saw their familiar face. He slowly and cautiously made his way back to the thick tree trunk, quietly climbing down the rough bark before he made his way over to the blonde

He felt like a wild cat, slowly stalking his target, approaching on silent steps while they were completely unaware. He got within a few feet and stopped, preparing to pounce as he crouched, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. The small breeze of wind was in his favour, blowing towards him and hopefully keeping any accidental noises out of the blonde's ears

He took a deep breath and stepped back before sprinting forwards at full speed, launching himself at his target as he hoped to knock them to the ground, succeeding as they both plummeted onto the soft earth of the grassy hill "Dre!" He cried happily as he pressed the taller's shoulders against the dirt, one leg on either side of the blonde's waist as he sat on top of him "Sapnap!" Dream laughed as he looked up at the ravenette with a lopsided grin, feeling himself cheer up just from the positive energy the boy radiated

They just sat there giggling for a while, Sapnap pulled his hands back so that Dream could sit up before he sheepishly leaned closer and pressed their foreheads together as they laughed "Dude, i've been waiting for you ALL DAY! Did I get ya' this time? Did I?" Dream nodded, choosing to boost his friend with a teensy little white lie, he really hadn't expected Sapnap to be in the huge oak tree but he'd heard the boy behind him moments before he hit the ground "Definitely, you weren't in your usual trees, caught me off guard!"

Sapnap was practically buzzing from excitement "I DID IT! I GOT YOU, I FINALLY GOT YOU! HAH, I'M THE GREATEST MAN ALIVE" He grinned at Dream with that familiar heart-warming smile, his sun kissed cheeks scrunching up as he did, and Dream felt his heart both flutter and ache, he couldn't deny having the worlds biggest crush on his childhood best friend and despised the fact that he couldn't muster up enough courage to tell the ravenette, scared of ruining the special connection that they had spent years building

Dream quickly shook the thoughts off as a light blush crept across his cheeks but they immediately came right back, he both loved and hated how the boy could make him melt into a puddle of blushing and daydreaming with nothing but a friendly grin, he felt like a mess around him but there was no one else he'd rather spend his time with. Sapnap waved a hand in front of Dream's eyes 'Yoo hoo, anyone there? Dre, get your stupid head out of the clouds, we need to practice for the tournament"

"Right, yeah- how could I forget? The tournament!" Dream said, quickly moving to stand up and causing Sapnap to fall to the side "Dude, you coulda' just asked me to move" He groaned as he rubbed his back, Dream bit back a laugh as he extended his hand to help the boy up, Sapnap gratefully accepted the help back up to his feet. They walked side by side back through their town, passing the tall buildings and the occasional house as they made their way to the training course

Dream slipped his hands into the pockets of his lime green hoodie as he listened to Sapnap talk, his words going in one ear and out the other since he just loved hearing the ravenette's comforting voice. It was like every little thing about him was perfect and too good to be true; with his soft 'n' fluffy black hair that hung in his eyes, his big brown doe-like eyes filled with so much emotion, the scattered freckles that littered his cheeks and his peachy lips that just looked so inviting. He let out a quiet sigh, content to just admire his best friend as he listened to the boy speak, getting lost in those deep mahogany eyes once again

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