💙It's a deal✨

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A/N Been doing a lot of one ship recently, gotta switch it up a bit :D Now it's Gogy and his emo demon companion lmao

The entire landscape had a blood-red hue as there was little to no natural light in the Nether other than lava, small particles from the crimson forest tickled his nose as he trekked through, looking for gold that he could trade with the piglins. He had plenty of bread and apples to eat yet what he really craved was a couple of porkchops so that he didn't have to eat that bread plain, there were no hoglins in sight though and he was getting increasingly more frustrated as time went on

"Screw this, this whole trip was a waste of my freaking time" He groaned, falling silent as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, a shiver ran down his spine as he whipped around but didn't spot anyone "Huh..." He muttered as he turned back to his original path and continued through the forest but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was following him yet he never saw anything

That was until he saw a pair of tangerine orange eyes peering at him from one of the crimson trees, he pulled his bow out and fired a warning arrow at them, a small squeak of surprise came from the plant as the eyes blinked and disappeared before the arrow was thrown out of the tree "Hey, stop following me" He said "And come out so I can see you"

Slowly but surely he heard the tree rustling, something slid down the trunk and looked over at him with a curious expression "What-" George breathed as he watched them cautiously take a step closer, a long rope-like tail lightly brushing across the dusty netherrack, elf-like ears twitching, but the main feature George looked at though; was the small nubs that seemed like horns that weren't fully grown yet. They slowly took one a step at a time until they were within arms length of George, tilting their head before noticing his lack of gold armour

The demon ran back over to the tree and scrambled up, looking around for a moment before jumping down and returning to George with a pair of shiny golden boots "Oh... thank you" George said gratefully, replacing his iron ones with the gold gift "Err... here, you can have this" He dug through his bag before holding out a small leather bag, the ravenette hesitantly took the bag and opened it, sniffing it before tipping some of the contents out onto his palm "It's edible" George added, the demon gave him a small nod before tipping his head back and pouring the small pile on his hand into his mouth, licking the remaining sugar off of his lips as he contemplated the taste

They poured another small handful into their mouth with a fanged grin, stuffing the bag into one of his various pouches slung over his shoulders as they dashed back over to the tree and started pushing a rock "What are you doing?" George asked curiously as he walked over, the demon dragged a larger sack out of a pre-dug hole and tugged it open, pulling out a gold ingot and handing it to him with a quiet growl that reminded George of the noises endermen made

George laughed as he dug through his bag, trying to find something else to give to... whatever their name is "Here, my name is George, what's yours?" He said as he passed them a spare iron ingot, they responded with a sort of high pitched hiss and George realised that they WERE speaking enderman "I... cannot understand a thing you're saying but I think that you can understand me so... uhh... tell me your name without speaking I guess"

They paused for a moment, looking around before pointing at the tree then tracing a claw over the back of his hand and gesturing at the small droplet of blood "Tree... blood? Blood tree... no- Sap! Tree blood is sap, so, you're name is sap..?"

They half shrugged, nodding their head but also shaking it "It's part of your name, right... Sap-ling, Sapling, is that your name?" George asked, they shook their head again, clasping their hands together and resting their head on them before shutting their eyes

"Sleep? Sapsleep? No, that doesn't seem right... Sap... rest? No, Sap...nap?"

They nodded excitedly, surprised that the huma- George managed to understand his cursed game of name charades, he pulled out another bar of gold and handed it to him before tucking the sack back into the hole and covering it with the rock again. George graciously accepted the gift and slipped it into his own bag "You don't happen to have any enderpearls, do you?" He asked, testing the waters- err... lavas of asking this random Nether dweller for items

Sapnap replied to him before remembering that George couldn't understand him, he took another minute to think before pulling a handful of pearls out of one of his satchels "Thank you so much, this saves me heaps of time" George replied, Sapnap used his tail to point at himself before pointing at George then to the pearls and back to George "You... you want to give me the pearls? Or you don't want to, I don't get it"

Sapnap took a deep breath as he pointed to himself then to George, pointing at the pearls next before back to George "Ohhh, you want to come with me, is that it?" George asked, Sapnap nodded as grabbed a golden helmet out of his tree and plopped it on his head as if signalling that he was ready to go, not caring that it covered his eyes "Well, I don't know if you can, i'm heading to the End soon and that's not really a fun place"

Sapnap repeated his pointing motions with a determined expression, George sighed as he reluctantly agreed and Sapnap gave him the pearls, George turned them into eyes of ender and started to head back to his portal, this time with a Nether demon casually following him back, hopefully his town wouldn't freak out... who cares, he just single handedly befriended someone who LIVES in this hellscape called 'The Nether' that's, like, the coolest thing ever, who even cares if people freak out?

Definitely not THIS brunette British bitch

A/N Idea: Story where an inucubus is sent to seduce somebody before killing them (or something) but the guy is actually asexual so he and the inucubus just have wholesome times because he let the inucubus live with him (tip: don't google what an inucubus is, just know that it's a type of demon)

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