💜💛❤️Cinnamon milk💔✨

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CW: Foighting... because Karl and Q are angry little monsters

A/N Adopted brother AU? Adopted brother AU. Manz is really the middle child, can't relate o_o

"Sap... why did you bring him here" Karl hissed, Sapnap gave him a small smile "Well... i've been missing big Q and I feel like we should... we should tie up the loose threads and fix our relationship!"

"He LEFT us for a country that runs on strip clubs and gambling... and you... you expect me to FORGIVE him!?"

"Oh, come on! You say that like you haven't done anything wrong yourself" Quackity retorted

"Yeah? Okay then, what have I done? What did I do?" Karl said harshly

You don't remember our past!?" Quackity asked "Y-you're really just going to FORGET- forget? IGNORE ALL OF OUR HISTORY TOGETHER!?"


The atmosphere felt thick enough that you could cut the tension with a knife as Quackity fell silent "What... what history?" He repeated slowly, staring Karl dead in the eyes with a snarl "WHAT FUCKING HISTORY!?"

Sapnap quickly stepped in between them with a forced smile "Guys, calm down, please... Karl! This is our fiance, Quackity, you have to be messing with us" Quackity pushed him to the side with his elbow, getting him out of the way as nicely as possible without having to genuinely shove him "Sapnap, keep your ass out of this" He snapped "It's none of your business"

"But you're my fiances, my loves, if you two are fighting then surely I-"



Sapnap teared up as he watched them both turn and angrily storm off in opposite directions, he started after Quackity before deciding against it and moving to follow Karl but he was also too far. He sank to his knees with a hiccupy cry, burying his head in his hands "How did it all go so wrong..?"

As he knelt there, tears dripping down his cheeks and slipping between the cracks in his fingers, two passersby heard his muffled sobs and decided to check out the noise. Sapnap stirred as he heard footsteps approaching, not particularly wanting to look up but also wanting to be ready just incase it... it wasn't an ally


He froze up at the sound of the familiar voice, raising his head and finding himself staring into a pair of swirled lilac eyes "Purp..?" He whispered in response, even more surprised when he looked over Purpled's shoulder to see Punz standing just behind him "Punzo..? W-what are you guys doing here" He asked, forcing his cracking voice into a happier tone but they weren't fooled in the slightest

"What happened? Are you hurt? Who hurt you!?" Punz said quickly, dropping his usual antics and switching into protective older brother mode as he crouched down beside Purpled. Sapnap shook his head, his throat seemingly closed off as he was unable to speak, before throwing himself into the blonde's arms and almost knocking him off balance

Punz was slightly confused on what might've happened, looking over at Purpled who shrugged to show that he was also just as confused "Sap, you gotta tell us what's wrong so that we can help" Punz muttered into the ravenette's messy locks, resting his chin on top of his head "Karl an' big Q" Sapnap mumbled as he hid his face in the fabric of Punz's hoodie "Karl and Quackity? What about Karl and Quackity?" Punz pressed, trying to get to the bottom of the situation

"T-they... broke up..." Sapnap said with a dry sob before breaking down into tears again, Punz fell silent and Purpled's eyes widened "Did they break up with each other or... did they leave the relationship altogether?"

"I-I don't know... they just fought and s-stalked off" He whispered, Purpled's expression morphed into a mix of anger and pity for his brother while Punz shifted his arms under the ravenette's thighs and carefully picked him up "We're gonna go back to my place, okay, and we're gonna calm down... does that sound good?" He said softly, trying to keep his voice low and steady

"Y-yeah" Sapnap replied slowly, allowing his eldest brother to bring him back to his childhood house as Punz had taken ownership of it when Bad moved into his and Skeppy's mansion. It felt comfortingly nostalgic to be back home, the scent of fresh baking lingering in the air and the warm arms of his sibling wrapped around him

"Hey, Purp?" Punz said quietly to the sandy blonde as he set Sap down on the couch before plopping down next to him, letting the boy curl into his side "Uhh... yeah?" Purpled replied, hovering beside the couch as he was unsure on whether or not he should sit down yet "What's that milk drink thing that you really liked as a kid?" The older asked

"You mean the cinnamon milk that dad used to make?"

"Yeah, can you make some of that?"

"I mean, I can try but it probably won't be as good... just give me a few minutes" He confirmed with a nod of his head, wavy hair bouncing from the motion, before turning and hurrying over to the kitchen. Sapnap's crying slowly quieted and instead became small sniffles with the occasional whimper while Punz thought back to the times when the ravenette had broke down into tears because of their parents fighting, trying to remember what he used to say in order to console his younger brother "Hey, man, it's okay... just forget about them for a while..."

When Purpled returned to the living room with three mugs of a steaming drink, Punz gave him a grateful smile before taking two of them and passing one to Sapnap "Here, Sap, drink this" He said in a light tone, Sapnap cracked an eye open and hesitantly grabbed the cup with both hands, peering down at the frothy liquid before bringing the ceramic up to his lips and sipping the hot cinnamon milk. Punz waited for his reaction before drinking his own, the corners of Sapnap's mouth turned upwards in a little smile before he drank another mouthful, enjoying the taste of cold autumn nights spent with his father and brothers

Purpled joined the pair on the couch, falling back against the cushions as he sipped from his mug and pressed his side up against Sapnap's, gently nudging the ravenette's shoulder with his own as an act of friendly affection and confirmation that he was there for him. Sapnap let out a small satisfied sigh, gently brushing the tear tracks from his face as leaned his head against his older brother's shoulder, essentially using Punz as a pillow while drinking the contents of his cup

They sat there in comfortable silence, Punz okay with being used as a headrest for once and Purpled proud that he'd actually replicated his early childhood favourite drink. Sapnap took one hand off of his mug and reached out beside him, entwining his fingers with his younger sibling's without moving his head or opening his eyes further than heavily lidded "Y'know... I love you guys" He said sleepily, curling his legs up onto the couch before setting his empty cup down on the coffee table "You're the best... best brothers" He yawned "Love you too, dude, you're not half bad yourself" Purpled replied with a slight laugh, Punz reached over and flicked him before turning his attention back to Sapnap "We love you too, bro... honestly, I can't think of anyone else i'd rather have as a sibling"

Sap's tired smile grew as he remained comfortably wedged between two of his favourite people, happy that he and his brothers had remained closely knit despite barely seeing each other anymore. They were like three peas in a pod, a packaged deal, so if somebody hurt any of them... the other two wouldn't be at all pleased, either way, Sapnap was glad to be reunited with them again and decided, in his half-asleep haze, that he would NEVER leave their sides again...

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