
297 20 18

CW: Possessiveness, obsession, manipulation, suicide, murder :)

A/N Drista Supremacy, we want the DristaSMP, we will riot >:c

"Dream! Dream! Look what I found!" He said excitedly, running over to the blonde and holding his hands out, Dream absent-mindedly pushed his hands away as he continued to talk to George. Sapnap frowned but held it out again, trying to catch Dream's attention by waving it in his face "Sapnap- not now" Dream snapped, pushing it away again without so much as glancing at it

Sapnap wilted, his usual aura of childish glee melted away as he stepped back. He bowed his head and looked down at the ground as he sadly walked away, dragging his feet and dropping the sweetly scented azalea blossom as he left

He ended up going a lot further than he thought, looking up and not recognizing the area of the woods that he was in, he spun around in a circle a few times while looking for a familiar landmark before realising that he know didn't know which direction he had come from

"Shit" He muttered as a wave of anxiety slammed into him

He just decided to pick a random way to go and not stop until he was out of the forest, spinning ninety degrees before setting off in that direction. He perked up and became more alert as he went, eyes darting around as he examined the new landscape while keeping his arms tucked close to his body

He heard a twig snap behind him and spun around, slowly walking backwards while scanning the empty woods which is how he ended up walking right into something, he fell over and scrambled back as he quickly shut his eyes and covered his face with his hands "Oh, sorry about tha- Sap?" He heard them say

A/N As i'm writing this, I still don't know who i'm adding lmfao

He cracked his eyes open and peered out through the gaps between his fingers, they laughed half-heartedly "I'm not gonna hurt you, Sap, you don't need to... do whatever it is you're doing" He stood up and brushed himself off with a shaky grin "Right, my bad, thought you were... I dunno, a mob?"

Quackity smiled back at him "I haven't gotten that one before, anyways, what brings you out here? I thought you were hanging out with Dream and George today, are they around here somewhere?"

Sapnap slowly shook his head "Yeahhh... no, I wandered off a bit and ended up here, I may or may not be a tiny bit lost" Quackity snorted "Well, don't worry, your heroic knight in shining armour has come to save the day... again... this is, like, the fourth time that you've gotten lost in the past few weeks"

Sapnap playfully elbowed him "It is NOT" Quackity laughed and tackled him down to the grassy soil "It totally is!" The position would've looked pretty bad from somebody else's perspective but the pair were just laughing their asses off

"Sap, you out here?"

Dream walked into the clearing, eyes immediately locking onto them with a slight scowl as he walked over and grabbed Sapnap by the upper arm, pulling him up and starting to walk away again "Wha- hey! Dude, i'm hanging out with Quackity" Sapnap grumbled, trying to pull his arm away but Dream just tightened his grip and dragged him along

Quackity ran over "Dream, c'mon, let go of hi-"

Dream slapped his hand away with a glare "Go away, we're leaving" He hissed, Sapnap gave Quackity an apologetic look with a small gesture of his head as if saying 'just go with it' but Quackity ignored him, moving closer again and trying to grab Dream's shoulder, Dream spun around and drew his axe from its sheath before pressing the deadly blade against Quackity's throat "I saaaaid, we're leaving" He said quietly, Quackity put his hands up and backed away "Woahhh, dude, alright!"

Sapnap tried to pull his arm away again but Dream's grip didn't loosen in the slightest, turning back to the way he was originally going and continuing in that direction, Sapnap looked at Quackity sadly as he was pulled along but, thankfully, he stopped trying to intervene

They ended up back at their shared house, George wasn't home so Sapnap assumed that he was still out mining, Dream slammed the door shut behind him and gestured at the couch so Sapnap hesitantly sat down "Dream, what the hell was that!? Big Q and I were just catching up, I haven't seen him in a couple of days"

Dream folded his arms and silently stared at him, unwavering, until Sapnap broke eye contact and looked down at the ground "Whatever, i'm going to my room" He mumbled, getting up and hurrying over to his bedroom, locking the door behind him

Dream sighed as he watched the boy shut his door, one fist gripping the handle of his axe that he'd slipped back into its sheath "You just don't get it, do you?" He muttered angrily under his breath "You don't need to talk to Quackity when you have ME, i'm all that you need"

An idea popped into his head, he pulled his axe out of its sheath and ran a finger down the wicked sharp curved blade, smiling at the small line of red on his fingertip "I'll be the only one you need if i'm the only one you have..."


Dream finally returned home after a day of hunting and gathering, he put the food away and thought back to the... incident... that happened two days ago "It's been a long time" He whispered to himself "And Sapnap 'snuck' out to see him a few minutes ago, he'll be back soon and everything will fall into place like a jigsaw puzzle"

Right on cue, the door flew open and Sapnap came through it in tears, trying to run to the bathroom but Dream grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back "Sap, what's wrong!?" He said quickly as he wrapped his arms around Sapnap, the ravenette desperately hugged him back with a loud sob "Q-Quackity... he's d-dead, he hung himself, I found h-him like that" Dream gave him a sympathetic frown as he mustered up a heartbroken voice "That's awful news, why would he do that? Do you... do you think it had something to do with you rejecting him a few months ago?"

Sapnap froze up, his tears soaking into Dream's hoodie but the blonde didn't mind "D-did it!?"

Dream nodded slowly "I'm sorry to say but it probably did' Sapnap started crying louder so Dream hugged him closer "Shhh, it's okay, he must be in a much happier place now" Sapnap looked up at him "You really th-think so..?"

"Hopefully" Dream replied


Over the next few weeks, more and more of Sapnap's friends seemed to off themselves or just... disappear... he'd go to visit them and find them all dead or gone, first it was Quackity, then Karl, then Punz, then his fathers and now... George

Sapnap stumbled away from the limp corpse with tears in his eyes, eyes widening as he saw the numerous gashes in George's limbs that dripped blood all over the hard wood floor "No... please, no... not George" He whispered in horror, feeling a sharp pain in his chest which could only be described as heart ache "Why, why is everyone leaving me... did I do something wrong? Is this my punishment!?"

He turned and ran out of the room right into Dream's arms "It happened again, didn't it? This time to George i'm guessing" Dream said, rubbing Sapnap's back as the boy cried and sniffled, tears spilling down his cheeks. He sadly nodded as he buried his face in the fabric of Dream's hoodie "I don't know why this is happening, am I being punished for something? Dream... I don't want to lose you, you're all that I have left" He looked up Dream with a terrified expression

"It's okay, Sap, you won't lose me... i'll keep you safe as well, as long as i'm here, no one can hurt you" He replied, a small smile went unnoticed as he saw the pure guilt and fear in the ravenette's eyes, Sapnap was slowly cracking and breaking under the sudden wave of grief which is exactly what he was hoping for

He NEEDS me and ONLY me, he depends on me, he's NOTHING without me...

He leaned down and softly kissed the boy "I promise you'll be okay, darling, we'll be okay! Everything will be okay as long as i'm here" Sapnap gave him a small glimpse of that familiar smile, Dream's heart fluttered as he stared into those warm chocolatey eyes with a lovesick expression "You promise?" Sapnap whispered, grabbing one of Dream's hands and holding it in his own to calm himself

"I... I promise" 

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