💚💙A monster!? pt2💔

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CW: Manz jumped through a window so there's definitely injuries/gore in this

The sun was slowly rising, casting stretched shadows across the mossy earth, Sapnap trudged through the forest while dragging his tail along the ground. He transformed back into his original self as the honey coloured sunlight hit his face, he stumbled and tripped over, falling back against a tree as he struggled to keep his eyes open

Stay awake, don't close your eyes or you won't be able to open them again

There were cuts littering his body, some of them still had shards of glass sticking out of them, fresh tears spilled down his cheeks as he slapped himself a few times just to make sure that he stayed wide awake. Blood trickled down his arms, legs and face, his vision was blurry and his breathing was uneven, he blinked once, twice, three times and then he couldn't open his eyes again. Sapnap slowly let himself drift off, his head leaning against the trunk of the tree and his hands in his lap


He eventually woke up, his cuts stung less but he could definitely still feel them engraved in his bruised skin, dried tears had left salty tracks on his face, he looked around to see if anything had happened and was surprised to see that he was no longer in the middle of nowhere. He slowly stood up, feeling a bit dizzy but otherwise a lot better than earlier, and continued to look around, he must've been in some kind of living room but it was empty other than a couch

He made his way to the door on the other side of the room and pulled it open, he had a definite limp because he could feel a deep cut in his left leg, someone had bandaged it up and wiped all of the blood off of him. He stepped out into another room but this one had furniture, he spotted the door and limped over to it, not wanting to spend any longer in this strangers house

He looked up at the sky, it must've been late afternoon, Sapnap kept walking even though his entire body ached, he stopped at the edge of a small creek and dipped his hands into the clear water, bringing it up to his chapped lips and drinking it before carrying on

He didn't know how far he had gotten before the pain was overwhelming and he had to sit down, he took deep breaths but his vision was blurry again "Fucking dammnit" He muttered under his breath "I wonder what Dream and George are doing... I was supposed to confess tonight"

He started laughing as more tears escaped, he coughed up a bit of blood and spat it onto the grass beside him, wiping the corner of his mouth "Wow, get a load of this monster... why would they ever love me?" His laughs turned to choked sobs "It's my fault, it's always my fault, i'm a fucking trainwreck" He hung his head as he sniffled

"I deserve this"

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