💚Angelic Sinner pt2✨

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CW: Implied nsfw, smoking, mentioned SA, mentioned alcohol, hangover, pills

A/N Part two: Electric boogaloo. Literally just me writing aftercare or whatever

Sapnap sat up with a roaring headache, pressing a hand against his forehead and trying to soothe the throbbing pain with a gentle groan. The room smelled of sex and sweat, leaving him wrinkling his nose in slight disgust as he slid towards the edge of the bed and got to his feet

As soon as he made contact with the floor, his legs gave out from under him, the ravenette's knees buckled and left him sitting on the ground "God fucking damnnit" He grumbled, reaching up to grab the side of the bed and lifting himself back up onto the mattress with a sigh. Sapnap turned to the side and looked around, trying to spot whoever it was that he'd hooked up with this time but the bed was empty, the sheets of the left side were tangled and the duvet had been shoved down towards the foot of the bed

"Great, just what I needed... now how the fuck do I get back to my car" He said, still tenderly trying to rub away the ache in his skull as he used his free hand to blindly feel around for his phone "Maybe Karl's awake by now... he'll probably understand"

Sapnap turned his phone on and was confused on why it opened to camera, he shielded his eyes and squinted at the dim screen as he clicked on the small icon of the most recent photo "I haven't u- oh jesus christ" He mumbled as he self consciously reached up and brushed his fingertips over his throat, clicking back onto the camera and mirroring it so that he could see himself "I look like a fucking patchwork quilt... and I really need to get in a shower"

He switched off the phone and glanced around again, grabbing a random shirt off of the floor and slipping it on over his head. Sapnap looked down at himself and let out a snort of laughter, the plain black shirt hung off of his frame in what seemed like three to four sizes too big, working perfectly as the only item of clothing that he needed to put on as it went down to mid-thigh "Good enough..."

The ravenette turned back to the edge of the bed and tried to stand up again, shakily sliding off of the end and holding his arms out for balance as he bit the inside of his cheek, waiting for the initial burst of pain to subside before even thinking about walking anywhere. Just as he went to take a step, the bedroom door swung open and a man only wearing sweats entered, he had a cigarette pinched between two fingers pressed to his lips and one hand in his pocket as he walked, flicking his tangled blonde hair out of his face "Good, you're finally awake" He said with a roll of his piercing green eyes, breathing out a puff of ashy smoke

"Stay the fuck away from me, asshole" Sapnap retorted, stumbling backwards and landing on the bed again as he brought his hands up in front of his face

"I'm not gonna hurt you, idiot, i'm not the nicest but i'm not a fucking monster"

"Well... that's debatable" Sapnap said with a shudder, trembling slightly as he pulled his legs up onto the mattress and hugged them close to his chest "Don't fucking touch me, jackass, or i'll get your smug fucking face arrested... for... sexual assault"

"Whatever, fine, just stay there then" Dream replied as he brought the cigarette back up to his mouth, taking another long drag before letting it all out in a huff "It's not like I fucking care, dumbass, you're not really my problem... but, i'm curious, how exactly do you plan on getting anywhere like that?"

Sapnap pressed a hand to his neck and glared at the blonde "That's none of your goddamn business" Dream shook the cigarette off and tossed it into an ashtray on his dresser before crossing his arms over his chest with a sigh, returning Sapnap's gaze with an expression of exasperation "You can't exactly do anything, you stubborn motherfucker, i'm just tryna' help"

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