💚Fire on fire💔

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Dream and Sapnap had gone hunting, Sapnap using his excellent hearing to scout out the animals while Dream would end them with a quick arrow to the head, they had gathered a good couple of rabbits and a sheep or two when they came across another person

Sapnap heard them and went to explore but a net trap yanked him up with a squeal, flailing his arms and flicking his ears back with a snarling yelp "SAP!" he heard Dream yell "DREAM! HELP" he saw Dream burst through a bush and pull out his knife, slicing the net to free Sapnap, who dropped to the ground and quickly stood

Dream doubled over a bit to regain his breath, having sprinted full speed "How'd you get caught in one of our traps?" he asked, confused

Sapnap sniffed the rope "This isn't ours" suddenly his ears perked and he heard a whizzing sound "DUCK!" he screeched and dropped to the floor but It was too late, the arrow hit its mark, embedding itself in Dreams chest, definitely hitting something vital, he'll be dead in minutes

Dream clutched his chest and looked down at the arrow shaft piercing his torso and started hyperventilating "Dream" Sapnap said calmly even though he was trembling "Don't worry, we'll fix this" Dream took a deep breath & Sapnap helped him lay down before looking around for the one responsible for this attack

Sapnaps eyes landed on a figure stepping closer, he hovered protectively over Dreams body like a true 'guard dog' snarling with his ears back

The figure only laughed 'C'mon now little pup, I'm not gonna hurt you~" he stepped into sight, cropped black hair spiked up nicely, black tunic with red buttons paired with black pants and a red-rimmed cape, he had a nasty grin pasted on his face, Dream looked up weakly "Wow, Nightmare, you really do wear too much black" 

Nightmare laughed "Coming from the guy who only wears green" Dream chuckled but started coughing blood, blood all over his hands and soaking into his shirt

Nightmare kicked Dreams foot before stepping back "I'll be off now, have fun dying, brother" Sapnap frowned as Nightmare left "You won't die, I won't let you" he whined but Dream shook his head slightly "It's already too late for me"

"NO IT'S NOT" Sap cried and Dream reached out, clasping Saps hands in one of his and resting the other on the curve of Sapnaps cheek "It'll be fine"

"B-but you're dying and I can't sav-" Dream shushed him "Let me calm you" and Sapnap nodded

"My mother said I'm too romantic" Dream started

Sapnap stayed quiet

"She said, 'You're dancing in the movies'

I almost started to believe her
Then I saw you and I knew

Maybe it's 'cause I got a little bit older
Maybe it's all that I've been through
I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder
And how I see myself with you
I don't say a word
But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know
There you go, saving me from out of the cold
Fire on fire would normally kill us
But this much desire, together, we're winners
They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners
But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms

'Cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me
And look in my eyes
You are perfection, my only direction
It's fire on fire, mmm
It's fire on fire" Dream trailed off, taking one last rattling breath before closing his eyes
 "I-I love you Dream" Sapnap whispered "And I always will"
Dream gave one last weak smile before going limp
Sapnap gave a howling cry, raising his head to the sky and gave his mourning call to the sky bathed in orange and pink, the last tendrils of sunlight fading into black
Sapnap lay down on the grass, quivering, barely noticed Nightmare waltz back into the clearing and pick him up because his mind couldn't get over the fact that his love had died right in front of him, in his arms
He died and I couldn't save him

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