💙Not such a sight for sore eyes💔

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CW || Gore.

A/N || Guess who's B A C K-. And still can't do titles. ._.

It stung.

And it stung like hell.

He convulsed as he felt hot blood drip down his face, over his closed eyes and onto his parted lips. The pain was almost sickening, leaving Sapnap doubled over as he tried to stand upright... The only thing he could hear was the heavy panting of Dream in front of him.

Dream, the one who'd started the fight.

Dream, the one who'd gotten violent.

Dream, the one he'd always seen as an older brother, now holding the crimson soaked trident that'd slashed his face.

The only thing that hurt worse than the gash of the trident, was the sense of betrayal. He clutched his face in one hand, the other planted firmly on the ground as he sank to his knees again.


Sapnap heard the soft thud of the trident as it hit the grass, and expected the blonde to run over... Only, the sound of his footprint seemed to fade away instead of rushing to his side.

"Dream..!" He choked out again, spitting a bit of blood to the side, chest still heaving as the thick liquid ran down his hands, just hoping that he was still there.

When his only answer was silence, a small hiccupy sob escaped his lips as he hung his head, still feeling the warmth of the blood dripping down his face and onto his arms. Sapnap still had his eyes squeezed shut as he heard footsteps approaching again, though they didn't sound like Dream... But he was still in shock from the impact, properly deducing footsteps was not going to be possible...

He tried to speak again, but his quickly depleting energy barely managed a breathy whisper as he craned his head up, trying to open his eyes.

"SAP!?" Someone inhaled sharply, though he still couldn't see them, he couldn't have asked for a better voice to be the one to show up...

He coughed up a little more blood, leaning into the hand that now cupped the side of his head. "Georgie..?" He said softly, voice hoarse and strained.

"I'm here, Pandas, it's me..." George replied, wisps of relief seeping into his voice as he realised that the raveonette was still alive... Better yet, still awake and talking.

"Why is it so dark?," Sapnap whimpered, slowly raising a hand up to feel for his eyes, only to realise that they were open... "I-I can't see anything, Georgie..."

Blindly reaching out, he managed to grab George's free hand, and he held it close to his chest... As if it would magically make everything all better... George squeezed his hand reassuringly but he heard the Brit stifle a sob of his own.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Sap, your eyes-."

The words shook him to his core. Perhaps it was how broken his best friend sounded... Or just how hard the realisation kicked him in the gut, as he knew that the last thing that he had and probably ever would see was Dream's trident striking his face.

"I'm g-gonna go get bandages." George muttered, pulling away and leaving Sapnap clawing at the air with desperation drenching his protests.

"Don't leave me here, please, I don't wanna be alone i-in the dark, Georgie." He said, feeling pathetic as all he could do was hope that the brunette would listen to him... Though, when he felt the warmth of his arms again, and a strange almost falling sensation, he was happy to realise that George would carry him there instead.

"I... I won't leave you, okay..? Never again... I promise."

And then he blacked out.

A/N || That was kinda trash, but you can fUCKING SUCK IT-.

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