🧡Hold me in your arms💔

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His cheeks were the colour of cotton candy, a warm pink that went well with his hazelnut eyes, he smiled that beautiful contagious smile that could make anybody feel instantly better. My heart fluttered and my fingertips tingled with a sort of excited energy, I smiled right back at him as I set the flower crown atop his fluffy hair before kissing his soft lips, they tasted of peach, honey and moonshine

Everything felt perfect, the slight breeze, the warm rays of the setting sun, the feeling in my chest... wait

My chest heaved, It felt like I was being stabbed

I couldn't breathe, my throat was blocked off and I couldn't talk or scream, he looked at me with that same cheerful smile as if he didn't even notice

A lone tear trailed down my face and plopped onto the rose I held, darkness clouded my vision and I lost consciousness

I shot up, breathing quick and fast as I tried to speak "Hello? Hello, testing" I sighed in relief and joy as the familiar sound of my voice rung through my ears, I could feel fresh tear tracks running down my cheeks but I ignored it, wrapping my arms around myself "Why did you leave me" I whispered, slowly rocking myself back to sleep "I just want you back, even for a moment... perhaps just a glance"

A/N This was just supposed to be a little practice write but I might as well show y'all, also, would you rather fluff or angst? I need ideas :(

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