💙Love at first sight✨

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A/N I'm using google translate so don't attack me lmfao

Dream ran through the halls of the school, stopping when he found George in front of his locker "GOGY" he called and waved, George sighed "YEAH?" Dream walked the final couple of metres between them "Are you fluent in another language?"

George thought for a second and smiled "Well, I'm fluent in Spanish, Greek, Latin, German & Polish, I can also speak a bit of Chinese, Russian & Japanese" "Wh- where did you learn all those?" Dream stepped back "Are you a fucking robot?" George shook his head "I learnt most of them from the mandatory language classes but I learnt Greek & Latin from studying in my own time"

"BUT YOU SLEPT THROUGH THE LANGUAGE CLASSES" Dream cried and George shrugged "Anyways, why did you want to know that? You don't want to copy my homework again, right? Because you know I didn't do it" Dream went to speak but cut himself off "Wait we had homework?" George shrugged again "I don't know, that's why I said I didn't do it"

Dream sighed "Well, there's a foreign transfer student coming to our school today and rumor has it he's Greek or something" George gave a small laugh "You wanna learn Greek to court him?" Dream went red. "No! I just want to know if you could translate for him because the principal sent me to find someone to take him on a tour and be his guide" George thought about it "Uhhh sure, tell him I'll do it then"

Dream smiled "Well, he should be waiting by the front door" then he ran off & Gogy sighed, setting off for the front door to meet the new student

He saw someone unfamiliar waiting by the front door, fluffy black hair and burnt orange eyes the color of ripe apricots, he had a grimace set on his face as he watched people rush by him & into the school

Damn, he's cute

George walked up with a smile "Hi!" the new guy looked at him with surprise "Γεια σας?" "I'm George, I'm here to show you around the school" The new student gave him a look and Gogy face palmed

"Γεια, είμαι ο Γιώργος και πρέπει να σας ξεναγήσω" George tried again "Είμαι η Sapnap, ξέρω πραγματικά αγγλικά, αλλά μπορώ να ξεφύγω με λιγότερη δουλειά αν προσποιούμαι" Sapnap replied

George laughed "Alright, I'll speak in English then, just reply in whatever language you want" Sapnap nodded and they set off

~Time skip~

After showing him around the school, I hear the lunch bell ring and realize that we'd been talking for far too long, I laugh and grab Saps hand, dragging him to the cafeteria where we meet Dream "GEORGE" he cries "Why did it take so fucking long to show ONE PERSON around our TINY SCHOOL" I shrug "Let's just sit down and eat"

Sapnap laughs and Dream sighs "Fine" we all sit down at a table with our lunch and start eating, for some reason it feels so normal for Sapnap to be here, like he's a missing link, like he's always been here

I smile and listen into Dream and Sapnaps dumb conversation, Sapnap had given up his 'Doesn't know English' charade and was having a good laugh at Dreams British impression, I scoff "That sounds NOTHING like me" Dream shrugged

I rolled my eyes and stood up "C'mon, the bell's about to ring anyways"

~Another time skip & another POV change~

I push open the bathroom door & look around, empty "Thank God" I sigh in relief and scurry in, shutting the door behind me as I stand in-front of one of the mirrors

Reaching up and untangling some of my hair so I could comfortably raise my ears from their hiding spot underneath my messy curls and changing into my custom altered shorts that have a slit for my tail

By custom altered I mean I took a pair of scissors and cut

Anyways, I shook out my arms and flicked my ears a couple times, dreading the time I have to swap back into those uncomfortable uniform pants and tuck away my ears again

It's not fair, how come I have to deal with all of this, I was perfectly happy being homeschooled but NoOoOo I hAvE tO gEt A pRoPeR eDuCaTiOn

I grunted and checked my wristwatch About 10 minutes before the lesson ends & I can go home to my shitty little apartment

I look back at the mirror at myself I've got fucking weird ears, a dumb tail and ugly scars I cringe at myself and flatten my ears, sighing

Then the door clicked open and someone called my name "Sapnap? Are you in there? The teacher sent me to fin-" George walked into the bathroom and trailed off, looking me dead in the eyes

We stood there in silence, staring at each other until I slowly raised my hands "I can explain" I curled my tail between my legs and pulled my ears flat against my head (Fun fact, I've been reading up on wolf emotions and displays of affection so they'll be slightly accurate and Sapnap will act more wolf-like, stuff like drooped ears when he's happy and tail tucking in fear/submission)

George nodded slightly and took a step forward and I saw my opportunity, streaking past him and out the bathroom door, shifting to my wolf form and scampering down the halls, the clicks of my claws echoing through the air "WH- SAPNAP!" I heard him call and the soft thumps of shoes came running after me

Good luck, Gogy, I can run for hours

The only downside to my plan was that I hadn't really paid attention during the tour so I didn't know where to go, so I ended up running down almost every hallway in the school except the one that leads to the door

I sighed and slowed to a trot before sitting down in the middle of the floor, glancing around and shifting back to my regular form, resting my head on my hands and letting my tongue loll as I panted slightly

I shifted my ears up again so they tilted in a relaxed way which is when I heard the soft squeak of sneakers on tiles, it sounded close so I lifted my head and looked around in front of me

I went to look behind me when someone yelled "AHA" and I felt something heavy collide "AH WHAT THE FUCK" I yell and wriggle a bit before looking up, George sat on my back "You really need to have a better plan if you thought you run away without explaining" he said triumphantly and I sigh "How'd you find me"

I assume he smiled because I could hear the pride drip through his voice like honey "You ran in a circle so I just sat and waited until you got tired" I groan "Of course your school is a fucking maze"

"It really is," he agreed. "Can you get off me now?" I said "Oh, yeah, sorry" he replied and shifted sideways so he sat beside me instead

"Why'd you run?" he asked and I frowned, ears tilting down and I whined slightly "I thought you would treat me like everybody else"

George gave me a sympathetic smile "Well, I won't, I think your ears just make you look cuter"

"Tha- wait what" I turned to look at him but he covered his face, cheeks beet red and I snickered "Ithinkyou'recute" he mumbled, I smirked "Say that again?"

George glared at me and repeated "I like you and think you're cute, do you wanna... go out"

I grinned and perked my ears. "Yeah! Sure I will gogy!" he smiled back "Just as long as you don't want me to call you 'alpha' or some kinky shit" George gave me a startled look "Why was that your first thought"

I shrugged "I like you but I don't know you that well, just making sure"

He sighed "Well, let's get back to class and finish up, then we can chill at my house" I nodded happily and we stood up, walking back to class to finish the last couple of minutes before the bell rings and we can go home

Maybe there are happy endings after all

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