💚Strawberry juice✨

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A/N Based on that clip of Dream saying 'Sapnap's got hops' or whatever, my brain just decided that I needed to write something for that

"What's this?" he yawned, stretching his arms and arching his back, he grabbed the little bottle of pale red liquid and sniffed it, his mind was still fuzzy from waking up not long ago "Oh, it smells like strawberry juice, who drinks juice out of this kind of cup? I wouldn't even call it a cup, more like a jar"

He contemplated taking a sip for a moment before pressing the rim of the glass up to his lips, drinking it all since there wasn't much more than a mouthful left "Ewww, that tasted fucking disgusting, it's probably been sitting out all night" he tossed the jar into the sink and walked outside, sitting down under a tree and soaking up the rays of sunshine


He woke up outside and sat up, rubbing his head "That was a good nap, I really do need to get more sleep" he mumbled to nobody in particular, standing up and rolling his shoulders before heading inside. Sapnap saw Dream sitting in the living room and walked over to him instead of returning to his room "Hey Dream! Good... morning?"

"Sapnap it's the middle of the afternoon, I saw you napping outside, what time did you go to sleep last night?"

"... 5am? I don't know, I was busy"

"Really? You need to stop pushing yourself to your limits, this isn't healthy" Dream sighed "Yeah yeah, whatever" Sapnap shrugged "Alright, serious talk out of the way, how are you doi-" Dream asked

Sapnap suddenly doubled over, grabbing his stomach "OW- fuck" Dream got off of the couch and put a hand on his shoulder "Sapnap!? What's wrong?"

"I- I don't feel so good" Sapnap struggled to keep his eyes open "I think-" then he passed out, Dream quickly reached down and caught him, easily picking him up and carrying him to his bedroom, he put Sapnap down on his bed and went to the kitchen, bringing back a glass of water, he set the cup down on the nightstand and went back out to the living room


Sapnap's eyes fluttered open, he blinked a few times before sitting up. My head feels weird. He slid out of bed and stumbled over to his closet, changing into a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and a fresh pair of socks, they were midnight blue with silver stars

A/N Dude I want socks like that

He chucked his old clothes into his washbasket and returned to the living room, sitting next to Dream who was seemingly asleep on the couch "Dream"

He slowly opened one eye "Oh hey Sapnap, are you feeling better now?" "A bit better, my head feels funny though" Dream glanced up and burst out laughing "I bet it does, you have rabbit ears"

Sapnap went silent, raising his hands to feel the top of his head, sure enough, he found a pair of rabbit ears "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH DREAM FIX IT" he screeched, Dream was still laughing and struggling to breath "I- I can't, I don't know how it happened" Sapnap stopped to take a deep breath, Dream did the same "Look, i'll try to figure out how to reverse it, just stop yelling in my ears please"

"Alright" Sapnap replied, tucking his legs up to his chest "Do you think I can jump really high now?"

"Probably, you can test it later, stay here and cuddle me" Dream yawned "I was going to do that anyways, i'm still tired as fuck" Sapnap moved closer and rested his head on Dream's chest "Do I have a tail?? I swear I can feel one" Dream opened his eyes again "Yup, you've got little ball of fluff"

"Oh... cool"

A/N I mean... Do I want to be a rabbit? Perhaps, will I fulfill this desire by writing about it? Yes

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