🧡 Hide 'n' Seek✨

327 11 24

(Same ages as 'Sleepover' just btw)

"Haha you're so short!"

"NO I'M NOT! STOP MAKING FUN OF MEEEEE" He stamped his foot angrily

"Yes you are, so small and cuddly like a soft toy"

"NOOOOO" He shrieked "STOOOOOoooOOP" his voice cracked

"You can't deny it, you're so smol" he grabbed Sap by the shoulders and ruffled his already messy hair "Hmph" Sapnap glared at him but he was biting back a smile, Dream could very clearly see his spade tipped tail wagging but pretended not to "I could even ask George and he'd say the same thing, you're short"

Sapnap grumbled again but he couldn't hide his yawn, Dream laughed "You tired?" Sapnap shook his head vigorously "No! I'm awake, I can still play with you and Georgie" Dream sighed "Yup, sorry, you're wide awake" Sapnap looked up at him hopefully "So I can still play with you?" Dream nodded "Of course"

Sapnap squealed happily and ran over to George, climbing up onto the couch next to him and flopping down onto the brunette "GEORGIE!" "AHHH" George replied as Sapnap landed on top of him "SAPNAP WHAT THE FU- HECK" Sapnap just giggled "Dream said I can play! Let's play, let's play, let's play!" he got off of George and started hopping up and down

"Yeah yeah, fine" George groaned, tenderly rubbing his stomach as he slid onto the floor "What do you wanna play?" Sapnap thought about it for a minute "Uhhh, hide 'n' seek! I am very good at that"

Dream quickly said "NOT IT" Sapnap parroted it then they both laughed "You're in, George, count to 30" Dream said in between wheezes "Alright" George covered his eyes and started counting

After he got to 30 he stood up and drew back the curtains, revealing the dark night sky "Nope, not behind the curtains" he mumbled then shut them again, running down the hallway and scanning each room with eagle eyes until he found Dream "HA! Got you"

Dream crossed his arms "Dang it, Sapnap never loses hide 'n' seek, does he?"

George agreed "Yeah, he manages to get into really small spaces" the pair searched the house for what seemed like hours "Huh!? Where could he be?" Dream asked, George suddenly got the urge to check Dream's room again, he flicked the light on this time and saw a small figure laying on the bed "OH CO-" he shushed himself "Oh come on, he knows I don't turn lights on when I search"

Dream just laughed, walking over to Sapnap "You win, come on, let's play another round" he tried to shake Sapnap awake but the younger just rolled over, his dark orange tail flicking every now and again "He's asleep" Dream softly called over to George "Of course he is" the brunette joked

Dream wheezed quietly (Somehow) and sat on his bed, patting Sapnap's head fondly "Alright boys" Puffy said as she stepped into the doorway of Dream's room "It's time to go to sleep, you've all brushed your teeth, right?" Dream and George nodded "Yeah"

Puffy smiled "Goodnight, i'll see you in the morning" she flicked off the hallway light and turned on Dream's lamp before walking away, George pulled the spare mattress out from under Dream's bed and put the blankets on it "Come on, I have my phone, we can watch youtube or something down here"

Dream shook his head "I'm pretty tired, i'm just gonna sleep, goodnight George" he laid down top and tail with Sapnap (One person on each end of the bed), he quickly fell asleep and George was asleep not long after

A/N Probably has a lot of spelling errors, it's like 3am rn lmao

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