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CW || Nothing, just fluff. :D

A/N || Guess who changed their c!Punz design... Ur mo-. Anyways, this is kinda trash but whatever, I have writer's block atm aha fml.

Oh... And Hopeless_fruity_boi forced me to upload this so blame em' if it sucks ya fuckin' losers.

"Dude, what're you doing up so late?"

The raveonette turned to look over his shoulder in confusion, scrunching the bridge of his nose. "Late..? What... What time is it?"

"Sappy, it's two in the fucking morning...," Punz had to bite back his frustrated groan. "What ARE you DOING?"

Sapnap paused for a moment, glancing down at his hands before shifting his gaze up to meet the blonde's eyes. "I was making a sandwich, then I got distracted."

"Distracted by..?" He prompted, taking a step forward.

"By your axe, okay, are you happy now?," Sapnap sighed, rolling his eyes as if he'd just been forced to reveal a life changing secret. "You left it out, and I wanted to use it to cut something, so I cut my sandwich with it-."

Punz crossed the room in a few long strides, his expression matching that of a concerned parent as he grabbed Sapnap's hands to check for cuts. "Really, you idiot? You could've gotten hurt, moron, why would you even think of playing with an axe in the first place..."

"Shhh... Don't baby me, Punz," He grumbled, narrowing his eyes. "You're not my dad, or my... Dad... You're my friend."

"Boyfriend." Punz corrected, shifting the vaguely threatening tool out of Sapnap's reach before chucking the mutilated sandwich into the bin, rolling his eyes when the raveonette let out a discontented whine in protest. "Wha- Hey! I was... I was going to eat that..."

"No you were not... C'mon, we're going back to sleep now." Punz replied simply, wrapping a pair of arms around Sapnap, effectively hugging him while keeping his arms pinned to his sides. Obviously annoyed with being treated like a child who was being put to bed, Sapnap attempted to wriggle away with a hiss. "Let go of me- Get your mitts off of me-! I'll bite you, I will fucking bite you."

Punz kept his tired expression, completely unphased by the empty threats... Well, Sap probably WOULD bite him, but it wouldn't hurt that much... His 'fangs' were far from sharp, in fact, almost comically rounded.

"Please, Pandas... You're tired, you're living up to your name with those dark circles...," He pleaded, voice still gruff from sluggishness. "Don't make me carry you to bed, because I know you'd find that humiliating, and I WILL do it."

"Do it, pussy, if you don't think that I can easily get out of your arms... I'll run outside, then what will you do? Nothing, you fuckin' LOSER, i'll just-." He was cut off as the blonde wrapped all four arms around him, only pausing for a moment before tossing Sapnap over his shoulder with almost terrifying ease.

"We're going to bed, there's no arguing." He sighed.

"You CHEATER- That's not fair!" The raveonette cried, too tired to bother making an attempt to struggle away, despite the urges to just piss Punz off even more for fun. "Act like a dumbass, get treated as such...," Punz held back a laugh as he pushed the door open once again, kicking it shut behind them. "I'm gonna put you down, and you're NOT going to be childish... I honestly don't know how i've put up with you this long, Sap."

"Yeah yeah yeah... Now let go of me." He mumbled, rolling his eyes as Punz set him down like you'd place a figurine, planting his feet firmly on the ground before letting go... As if he'd just fall over if he wasn't standing straight up. Sapnap sat on the edge of the bed but didn't lay down, even as Punz flopped onto the mattress beside him.

Sighing once again, Punz grabbed his shoulder and tugged him down, immediately wrapping all four arms around him again to keep him there. "You really are stubborn, y'know... Will you finally sleep now?"

His grey eyes softened as he sunk into the embrace, though he lacked a response for a moment. "You're still not being fair... But fine, okay, I'll sleep if you're really going to be this insistent on it... Bitch."

Ruffling his fluffy ebony hair, Punz sleepily grinned before kissing the top of his head. "Love you too, angel."

"Fuck you." 

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