🖤I really fucking hate (love) you✨ ig

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CW: E-boy asshole

A/N I really don't know where this came from, enemies to lovers..? Idk, i'm tired

"Are you really considering joining the basketball team? Dude, they're all assholes"

He shrugged "I mean, yeah... I like basketball and they're finally hosting another tryout, i'm sure it won't be too bad"

"Sap, listen to me for once, it'll be a horrible experience"

"Bro, stop telling me what to do, if I want to tryout for the team then I will"

Dream sighed "Whatever, just ignore my advice again..."


A few weeks passed and, oh, how he wished he hadn't joined that stupid basketball team. It wasn't that they were nessecarily cruel to him, most of the people on the team were actually tolerable, but he really just hated the team captain... mr. Golden boy with his constantly perfect blonde hair, his piercing sky blue eyes and his smug grin, not to mention his high grades and his flawless reputation

Sapnap rolled his eyes whenever he saw the sea of people crowded around him, all the straight girls wanted to date him and all the guys used the basketball team to try and befriend him but they didn't last long, Punz was picky about who was on his team and would kick people off without a second thought... really, Sap thought that he was kinda lucky to still be on it even though he actively avoided the captain

Punz would often find him and try to talk to him, usually about team strats or when they moved games around but sometimes it was just to make stupid comments, lightly teasing him and picking on him. Sapnap started going out of his way to avoid the blonde and the rest of his team in general, taking a different route to his classes every day and pretending that he couldn't hear him, choosing to ignore the teasing and trying not to let it get to him more than it already had

He headed to the cafeteria and found his regular seat at a table with his relatively small friend group, it was just five people in total, and they called themselves the 'feral boys' due to... well... the fact that they were feral. They joked back and forth while eating until Sapnap felt a hand on his shoulder, he stiffened up as the whole table fell silent "Hey, Sap, why don't you come sit with us?" Punz said slowly "I'm... i'm sitting with my friends" Sapnap replied simply

"Oh, come on, you need to spend more time with your teammates or else we won't function well, there needs to be a trust bond"


"Really, you think that I don't notice you purposefully avoiding me? I'm not dumb, Sapnap, and that's no way to treat your team captain"

"Fine..." He groaned

"Wonderful" Punz smiled "Follow me" He grabbed the ravenette by the wrist and pulled him to his feet, Sapnap gave his friends an apologetic look as he left with the blonde and walked over to a more crowded table where all of his teammates and a lot of random people sat "Move" Punz said gruffly, a few people shuffled away and he sat down while Sapnap hesitantly did the same, giving a small wave to the group

Punz immediately joined their conversation, easily sliding his comments in, while Sapnap just awkwardly sat there as he felt several pairs of eyes on him, Punz noticed his silence and grinned as he shifted all of his attention to the boy. Sapnap reluctantly answered all of his questions, each word making him feel a tiny bit more accustomed to the different people

Day after day, Punz invited him back to the table and he didn't know how to decline so he just went along with it, slowly growing more comfortable around him and warming up to the blonde even though he still despised Punz with all of his heart. His friends were slightly upset that he had stopped hanging out with them as much as he used to, he tried to explain that he has to spend more time with his teammates but they weren't as understanding as he'd hoped

He exited the changing rooms and made his way out to the court with a sigh, standing on the white line as the last few people showed up "Alright, guys, you know the drill" Punz called out as he brought over their usual equipment "Half of you put on a band and line up on the top half of the court, the rest of y'all on the bottom half" They sorted out the two teams pretty quickly and Punz grabbed the whistle hanging from his neck, blowing into it to signal the start of the game as he tossed the ball in and ran onto the court

The training went pretty well, wrapping up a bit later than usual, Sapnap looked around as most of the team started to leave "Who's packing up the equipment?" He asked "I am" Punz replied absentmindedly as he started to gather the cones "Here, i'll help" Sapnap said as he ran over to the other half of the court and grabbed the stuff "Oh... thanks" Punz said

They put everything back into the gym storage room and headed to the changing rooms together "That was much faster than usual, thank you" Punz spoke up to break the silence "No problem" Sapnap responded, peeling off his sweat soaked shirt and replacing it with a crisp white one "I have a question, though" Punz added as he took his own shirt off as well

Sapnap turned over his shoulder to look at him "Uhh... yeah?" He asked worriedly "Why do you always avoid me, huh, what did I do to you?" Punz said as he walked closer, Sapnap backed up until he felt the cold tile wall behind him "What do you mean 'why?' You fucking pick on me all the time, it's annoying, why should I have to put up with that"

"Oh, come on now, am I not allowed to have a bit of fun? You always get so riled up, baby boy, how could I NOT taunt you if you look so cute when you're mad "

Sapnap went a bit pink as his breath hitched in his throat but he kept his expression sturdy, the taller male quickly noticed "Oh..?" He smirked "You like that? Why am I not surprised" Sapnap shoved him away and crossed his arms, Punz's grin just grew at the feel of his intoxicating touch, gently but firmly grabbing his chin and tilting his head up, looking into his mahogany eyes "You know that I don't mean it, Sap" He muttered, tracing his thumb over the milky skin of the ravenette's cheek

He rolled his eyes with a huff "Sure doesn't seem like it" Punz frowned slightly as he drew his hand back, tucking them both into his pockets "Well, i'm telling you now, I don't mean any of it... it's just playful banter" Sapnap looked down at the ground "But why? Why me? What did I do?" He replied, Punz froze for a moment before speaking "Dude..."


"I really fucking love you"

"I... w-what!?"

"I like you, dumbass, do you like me?"



"I really fucking hate you"


"I hate you so much because I like you too and... uhh... expected it to be unrequited"


Sapnap laughed at him "Idiot"

"Oh, fuck you" Punz replied fondly "Do you wanna, like, go out tonight..?" He asked hopefully "Yeah, sure" Sapnap smiled warmly, his cheeks heating up at the thought of actually going out with the guy he both admired and despised so much "I'd love to..."

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