💚Well, i'm sorry...💔

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A/N Good old angst, tell me if you know where these lyrics come from lmao

"Sapnap, just listen to me for once, why are you always so fucking IGNORANT and PROBLEMATIC!" Dream snapped

Sapnap glared at him, balling his hands up into fists "Well, i'm sorry that I don't treat you like a god, is that what you want me to do? Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect just like all of your little puppets do" He wiped a tear from his eye "Sorry that i'm not made of sugar, am I not sweet enough for you?"


"Oh, you don't like that? Is that why you always ignore me? That must be SUCH an inconvenience to you!" He stormed over to the blonde, shoving him back with a half-sob half-shout

"Sapnap, stop, i'm sorry for-"

"Do you not like me obeying your every command or do you just not like ME!?" Sapnap cried "I'm just your problem... it's like i'm not even a person, am I? I'm just your problem"

"Sapnap, you're not just a problem, you've proven that you're so much more than that, you're one of my bes-" Dream tried to say

"I shouldn't have to justify what I do... I shouldn't have to prove ANYTHING to you" Sapnap hissed "I'm sorry that I exist but I shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you"

"Calm down-"

"Why is it always me, Dream, why? You care about George so much more, I just want to be loved too... i'm a human being, I have feelings just like everyone else but you act like I don't, you walk all over me without a second thought" He whispered "He keeps pushing you away but i've always been beside you, I supported you through thick and thin, you meant the world to me but I was always just a burden to you... wasn't I?"

"No, you were never a burden to me"

"Bullshit" He said as he turned and stalked away, tearing the photograph of their younger selves in half and dropping both pieces "Absolute bullshit"

old cringe sapnap oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now