Sally part 2

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⚠️ Tw: Suicide

Word count: 628


You wake up in a sweat from a terrible nightmare. You were in your parents house being dragged by two men in black and being sent to have a gay exorcism. It was horrible, they were hitting you with bibles and everything.

You feel so triggered. You walk into your bathroom and turn on the water to fill the tub. While it's filling up, you grab a razor from your bag and sit in the tub waiting for the water to finish rising.

Once you turn it off, you start sobbing. You're parents hate you, you're disgusting. It's not going to get better, you might as well end it, let the pain of your existence be over, you'll finally be free.

You drag the razor blade down your arm and then repeat the same on the other one. You place your arms in the water and yell out in pain from the stinging.

You close your eyes and wait for you to become unconscious.

You wake up on your bed with Sally sitting on the bed next to you crying. Damn it! Not dead.

You asked, "What's going on?" She says, "I should've told you. It's all my fault." I ask, "What are you talking about?"

She answers, "When you die in this place, you don't leave, you become a ghost. You can now never leave and it's all my fault that I didn't tell you."

I say not understanding what she's talking about, "But I'm not dead, I'm still alive though, if I were dead, I would be anywhere but here."

She says, "Don't believe me? Go look for yourself." I get off the bed and walk to the bathroom. I look at the tub and see my unconscious body laying in the blood covered water.

I put my hands over my mouth and fall to the ground screaming, "What the fuck? What the hell is happening?" I feel Sally hug me from behind as I sob.

  I start hyperventilating and feeling like I'm having a panic attack. I try to breath but I can't. I feel myself become dizzy and I faint in Sally's arms.

  I wake up being spooned by Sally. She runs her fingers through my hair and says with a joyful smile, "Oh yay, baby you're awake."

  I ask with a tear falling down my cheek, "So what's going to happen now?" She answers with a laugh, "Well you're stuck in this dump, but you can do cool things like move through walls and shit. Also you can't forget about free martinis from Liz down at the bar."

  You chuckle. She says, "We can also be together if that's what you want. I really like you. I would love to have you around me all of the time."

  I smile and reply, "I would really like that Sally." She leans in to kiss me. I attach my lips to hers and we share a passionate kiss.

  She asks, "What do you want to do with your body?" I answer, "Is there just a way to cemate me?" She nods and responds, "Yes I can have Iris and Liz do that for you baby girl."

  I blush at the nickname she's given me. She says, "Come on, let's get out of here, we'll go get some cake, Liz went to a birthday party today and brought me some back."

  I reply in protest, "Oh I actually can't, I'm um, kind of on, a diet." She chuckles and responds, "You're dead silly, you can't put on weight. Come on, you've had a rough day, let mommy give you a slice of chocolate cake."

  You nod and intertwine your hands as you leave the room to head down to the bar.

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