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Word count: 1,136

Today is my day off so i'm heading to the mall to pick up a few things for my wife Ally and I.

  I go to the first couple of stores then hear my stomach growl. Fuck... I really hope no one heard that.

I finish grabbing everything I needed at Victoria Secret and head to the checkout line. I grabbed a cute new red lingerie set for myself and also a black set for Ally because we've been busy with work lately and haven't had sex in about a week.

  We have time tonight because Ally gets off work early so we decided we will go to our favorite restaurant.

I finish paying and head towards the food court. I've been standing in line waiting to order at Panera for about twenty minutes now, this is literally a thrusday early afternoon, why are so many people here?

It's finally my turn and I tell her what I want and as she hands me my food a few minutes later, I hear a gunshot.

I quickly turn around and see everyone near me RUN towards the exit door. I follow and sprinting shoulder to shoulder with over a hundred people. People are getting trampled and tripping and falling to the floor.

I try to stay calm and am doing pretty well. My breathing quickens and I start tearing up as I continue to run but I still feel like i'm not losing my mind.

I see a toddler fall and no one try to help him up so I do and no one grabs him so I hold him as I keep running. Poor kid got separated from his parents.

The doors are locked and I feel myself start to panic! Fuck Fuck Fuck! I hear another gunshot and people start screaming! A few men start breaking the glass and everyone starts getting outside.

Just as I step onto the grass, I hear another gunshot. This exit doesn't lead to the parking lots, just to construction. There's a TALL wall barrier and I start to feel panicked again. Fuck we're trapped! There is no way I can climb over this, and especially with him!

A sobbing woman runs to me and says, "Oh god, Andrew, thank you for grabbing my boy!" I quickly nod and respond, "Of course!" I put him down and she picks him up.

It's a big area so I decide to hid in a corner farthest away way from the door and crouch down behind one of those long black cylinders. I immediately take out my phone and call Ally.

She doesn't answer at first and I start panicking! No no please I need last words come on Al!

She picks up the second time and says in a calm voice, "Hi darling, how's the shopping going?"

Ally's POV:

I hear my wife crying and slightly hyperventilating I ask concerned, "Hey hey hey, what's wrong baby?"

She responds, "Ally Y/l/n Mayfair, I love you and Oz so much! The day I first walked into your restaurant and met you to now have been the best days of my whole life! I love you i'm so in love with you!"

I start freaking out and crying. Oh god, she's going to kill herself! I quickly reply, "I love you too my babygirl please, please don't do it, please don't leave me, please I need you in my life, Oz needs you, please please don't do it, let me come to you. I'll come hold you please please i'm begging you I promise you're not a burden please tell me where you are!"

She says, "No No No! I'm stuck at the mall and there is an active shooter, i'm not in a bad headspace, pinky promise."

I can't even feel relieved because actived shooter? She says, "Oh thank god, a guy just cut through the wires, i'm running now into the parking lot!"

I reply, "I love you so much! Please don't stay in the parking lot, go into a separate store nearby that's not attached to the mall, that will be safer because I know you always park at the bath and body works entrance and that's on the other side of where you are now so you can't get to your car."

She agrees and I put my phone on speaker. I press safari and search up what they're saying online on updates about what's happening.

A few minutes later she says, "I'm at Walgreens." I reply, "Good sweetheart, stay there i'm coming to get you." She says, "Okay." I see an update as I grab my things and run out the door of my office, "The police said it was a man in his thirties that was randomly shooting then shot himself at H&M."

She replies, "Yep so last store before the food court, oh god, if I decided to go to grab pizza instead of Panera, I would've seen bodies drop, oh god, I could've been shot, well I mean obviously i've been thinking I might this whole time."

I respond, "I'm so sorry baby, i'm so fucking glad you're okay and safe! I just started driving i'm on my way just wait about ten minutes and DON'T HANG UP!"

She says, "Okay."

Y/n's POV:

I'm sitting in the back of the store against a wall trying to be patient but it's so hard, I just want her to hold me, I need to see her.

She asks, "I'm here baby, i'm running in now, where are you?" I answer, "Against the wall infront of the restrooms." I see her running towards me and she hangs ups.

She kneels down to my level and I quickly crash my lips into hers. Once we need air, she cups my face and holds me tightly as I sob into her chest.

She whispers, "I've got you, I've got you." She takes me home and we lay on the couch and cuddle while watching a movie to get our minds off of what happened for a while.

A while later, she asks, "You didn't even get your lunch, you must be so hungry, what can I fix you?" I've been so stressed I forgot I was hungry, I answer, "Maybe a pb&j would be good with some chips."

She kisses my cheek and gets up and off the couch. I quickly get up with her and hold her hand as I follow her, I need to be close to her, I know i'm safe but it's been hard to get myself to believe it.

  Once we enter the kitchen, she hugs me and says, "It's alright babygirl, I pinky promise you're safe, it's okay, i'm right here, i've got you my sweet girl."

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