Diane X Reader X Ms.Venable

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⚠️Warning for Plane crash & Sucide attempt?

AN: This is my 100th post! Thought that was cool and wanted to share. I want to thank everyone for reading the things I write, it means a lot to me. Okey bye friends👋😁

Word count: 1,213

My girlfriend Mina surprised me and my other girlfriend Diane with tickets to Hawaii for a vacation. We're all now sitting in the airport waiting to get on the plane.

  I'm almost jumping up and down in my seat because i'm so excited. Being in a beautiful place for my last college spring break before I graduate with the two people I love the most in this world sounds so wonderful.

  Diane says smiling and putting her hand on my thigh, "Honey we have time to run to Cinnabon if I would like to grab something to eat." I reply kicking my legs back and forth excitedly, "Let's go!"

  She nods and after I stand up, I kiss Mina's forehead and ask, tearing her eyes away from her book, "Would you like us to bring you back anything babe?" She answers pushing her glasses more back on her nose with her finger, "Some Bonbites sound good, thank you little one." I nod.

  Diane and I walk hand and hand towards the Cinnabon. We wait in line for twenty-five minutes than order. We stand to the side to wait for them to tell us our order is ready and I ask, "What are you going to want to do first when we get there?"

  She responds with a hum, "Laying out on the beach and feeling the warm sun hit my skin would be great." I say, "Ah boring, I want to go to the waterpark and mostly spend time in the lazy river and wave pool so Mina can join us." She smiles and says, "We then we'll do just that."

  They call for us to pick up our order and Diane and I carry the bags back to our seats. We sit down and I hand Mina her order. We start eating then just as we finish, we hear, "Flight 4452 to Honolulu boarding now."

  Diane says, "Great timing, I thought me might have had to throw away our food." We grab our bags and head through security before boarding the plane. We booked our seats in the middle, since there are three and not two so we can all sit together. I put our luggage up in the top compartment and sit inbetween Mina and Diane.

  As soon as we take off, I see Diane shaking her leg and trying to hold back tears. I say putting my head on her shoulder, "It's okay darling, it's only just below six hours then we're there." I out my hand in her's and say, "Squeeze my hand as hard as you like, it's going to be okay." She nods trying to take a deep breath.

  Diane gets anxious on planes in general but when her cousin died in a crash to Germany a few years ago, it's made her even more terrified to get on one since.

  The plane drops a few times due to normal turbulence and I can feel Diane almost breaking the bones in my hand from squeezing it so hard. I try not to let my facial expression show that she's hurting my hand so she does feel bad.

Mina says to Diane, "It's alright sweetheart, would you like to hold my hand as well?" She nods as she sniffles and Mina reaches her hand over so Diane can grab it with her free hand.

  About twenty minutes later, you hear the intercom beep and the pilot say, "This is your captain speaking. Too all the flight attendants I need to say easy victor." I look around to see the flight attendants, that are close to me, freeze and eyes go wide. They scramble around to talk to one another.

  They are whispering and it sounds like they're panicking. What's going on? Is there something wrong with the plane? Were those words code for something?

  A flight attendant with blonde hair walks up to the front and says, looking terrified and like she's having a mental breakdown, "Hey everyone, our pilots are crying hysterically, would anyone like a snacky snack? Maybe some fucking animal crackers or a big bottle of tequila? This plane is quite LITERALLY going to crash into the ocean in a few minutes so if you see anyone you like, rip off there clothes and jump on them now."

  A male flight attendant in the back yells, "Shut the fuck up Stacy, you're scaring the children!" My heart drops. I look over at Mina and for once, I see fear in her eyes. Diane unbuckles and clings onto me and cries as she says, "Mina and Y/n, oh my god I love you both so much."

I feel the plane drop and keep dropping. I last thing I hear before I hit my head on the head roof is a splash.

I wake up doing a dead man's float. on my back. I look around to see the plane on fire and tons of bodies laying face first in the water. Some of there limbs are detached and floating around. The water around is also a red color from all the blood.

  I look around and assume everyone is dead. My girlfriends are dead. My girlfriends are dead. What's the point? My favorite people, the loves of my life, are dead.

I sit up and stare at the flames on the biggest peice of the plane that is still together as I give up. I slowly feel myself sinking into the water and I don't hold my breath.

AN: Just imagine you as Meredith in this picture

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AN: Just imagine you as Meredith in this picture.

As i'm about to feel myself start to lose consciousness I feel myself being pulled up by someone. I reach the surface and start coughing. I hear someone crying and then I realize it's Diane. She says, "Please I love you, please don't die." She helps me swim over to this board with two plane peices over it to make it look like a teepee.

I see Mina in there and Diane helps pull me up then gets up herself. I still feel lightheaded and dizzy. Mina scoots over to hold me and asks, "I saw you right when you went underwater, why did you do that?" I cry replying, "I'm sorry, i'm sorry. I thought you two were dead and it make me really really sad."

I sniffle and Diane holds me too as Mina says, "I love you so so much." We sleep for the night, since we were tired and it was almost dark, just laying down in our little teepee. The setup is perfect because we don't have to worry about being sunburned.

I wake up to small boat shinning a very bright light. I jump in the water to make splashing noises so they would hear me better as I scream out for help. The boat makes it's way over to us and I shake Diane and Mina to wake them up.

I say as they start to open their eyes, "We're going to be okay, we've been found."

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