Diane Sherman 1/3

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⚠️TW for Kidnapping & being starved

Word count: 1,102
  My college lecture finishes and I am quickly finishing up my work so it doesn't become homework. I'm currently the only one left besides this guy a few rows infront of me, even the teacher was gone. The weird thing is the guy keeps looking back at me.

  I actually recognize him from my junior year computer class in HIGHSCHOOL, which is weird that we ended up at the same college because I lived in Maryland before moving out here to Washington for college.

  I finish and start putting my stuff into my dark purple jansport backpack with some cute pride pins on it when he also gets up and walks over to me.

  He says confidently, "Hey Y/n, I'm going to need you to come with me." I reply confused, "I'm sorry huh?" He unzips his jacket, still leaving it on, and shows me the gun he has with him.

  He responds, "I think I was pretty clear, I need you to FOLLOW me." I swallow nervously and walk with him. We reach his car and he makes me get into the drivers seat. He tells me to drive to the Marriott hotel about fourty minutes away.

  He says before we get out of the car, "Okay so I'M going to do the talking. Leave your bookbag here." I ask, "What are we doing at a hotel and aren't we not old enough to even rent a room?"

  He sighs clearly annoyed, "Just do what I tell you, you're pretty but I don't think you would look so cute spitting gum out through your forehead, and anyways, I have a fake ID."

  I turn off the car, we get out, and start heading into the Marriott. We walk up to the front desk and after getting through all the info stuff, she hands him a key and he points towards the elevator, indicating for me to walk towards it.

  Once we're on and I hit the button for floor number six, I ask not looking at him but the elevator door, "So what's your name anyways." He replies, "Cameron, Cameron Reid, you might remember me from Axevillie High." I respond, "I do, you look a little different now, you're more skater boy dressed and blonde, but I still recognized you."

  He says, "And you are not dirty blonde anymore, the top of your head is dark brown and the bottom blue, and you dress more cottage core now."

  The elevator door opens and we walk to the room number, 84. He swipes the card and we walk in.

  He walks to the living room area and turns around to look at me. The door closes behind me. I ask, "Now what?" He replies, "Take off your clothes and get in the bed." I freeze and ask frightened, "What!?"

  He takes his gun out from the inside of his jacket and points it at me saying, "Come on, today." I slowly start to take off everything leaving myself in my bra and underwear and get in the bed.

  He says again annoyed, "No, I said everything." I slowly unclip my bra and take off my girl boxers. Pulling the covers over my body he grabs fluffy handcuffs from his pocket and cuffs them to the headboard and my left hand.

  He says, "Good, that should keep you restrained, let's call Diane now."

  I widen my eyes and ask, "How do you know about Diane?" He laughs, "Y/n haven't you figured it out by now? I'm obsessed with you! Ever since I first saw you in highschool I've been watching you. Shit Y/n, I even set up a camera in you and Diane's room at your house so I could jerk off to watching and hearing your moans. I even made sure we ended up at the same college so I could snatch you up and make you feel the same way about me as I do about you."

  I say, "If you've been watching me then you know that will never happen, I'm a lesbian." He laughs and says, "Yeah, we'll see about that."

  He dials a number on his phone and puts it on speaker. Diane answers and asks, "Hello, who is this?" He answers, "Hi this is Y/n's friend, I've just called you to tell you she's not going to make it home tonight, well, any night actually."

She asks confused, "Who is this?" He replies, "I'm saying I've snatched up your girlfriend and we're somewhere where you will not be able to find her. She is mine now. She loves me now, well, not yet, but she will."

Diane says scarred, "What the fuck? I swear if you hurt her..." He interrupts, "I already told you lady, you're not going to be able to find us, but don't worry, I'll let you have one last word with her."

He sits down on the bed and holds the phone close to me and I say with tears running down my face, "Diane I love you." She replies, "I lov.." He interrupts again, "Woap that's enough." He hangs up and says, "Now where were we."

I open my eyes squinting at the harsh sunlight coming through the hotel room windows. Today is day four of Cameron holding me hostage. I wipe the tears off my face and quietly sniffle. Everytime I sleep I have dreams about being back at home with Diane. Sometimes we're baking and laughing and other times we're cuddling on the couch watching tv.

I feel so weak, which is suspected since he only gives me about four hundred calories every other day. He wants me to be weak so it's harder to attempt to push him off when he rapes me. I've gotten to the point where I don't even fight anymore, I just dissociate.

He let me take a shower yesterday. He stood outside the door as I showered and it was a nice feeling to wash him off of me even though I know it's a temporary feeling since this isn't the last time he's going to have his way with me.

He puts a do not disturb sign on the door so the maids don't come in and clean. Basically so I don't have an opportunity to ask for help to get away.

I look over at the bed and notice he's not there. Even though I know it's not going to work, I try to get off the handcuff. He walks back in and I quickly put my right hand down.

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