Billie Dean Howard

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⚠️TW: Rape, Panic attack

Word count: 884

It's okay, just get into the classroom and walk to your seat with your head down. Come on, just walk into the classroom, your strong, you can do it.

I'm standing infront of the door of the classroom, not moving, just standing there. The students push by me and head toward their seats. Once the bell rings, my teacher looks at me and asks, "Honey, are you coming?"

I nod and take a deep breath. I walk quickly towards my seat and keep my eyes glued to the floor.

I grab my books from my bag and place them on my desk as Ms. Howard starts the lesson. I see him in the corner of my eye and start holding back tears as it becomes harder and harder to breathe.

Tears start spilling out as I remember what happened over the weekend. I jump out of my seat and run out the door sitting curled up in a ball against the hallway wall.

I see Ms. Howard run towards me. I start hyperventilating and she leans down and touches my shoulder asking, "Hey Y/n, are you okay?" I start saying, "Get off me! Aden I said no! Get off me!"

She immediately removes her hand and asks, "What's wrong? What happened? Y/n it's Ms. Howard, you're at school."


I was at the library when I noticed it has already started to get dark. I grabbed my things and started walking out the door. Walking on the sidewalk I see a car pull up next to me.

A guy from school I've know for a couple years asks, "Hey why don't you hop in, I'll give you a ride, I don't want you walking around in the dark."

I reply, "That's sweet Aden, but no thanks, I'm just going to walk." He asks, "Come on, I know your house is about twenty minutes away, just hop in, I don't mind. It's on my way anyways."

I nod getting in responding, "Thanks." He says, "No problem Y/n. You can change the radio station, surprise me."

I nod and turn on channel 84.6. Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit plays. He turns up the volume and says, "Good choice." About ten minutes go by and I say confused, "You missed a turn you were suppose to turn right."

He replies, "I thought I'd take you somewhere else instead." My blood runs cold and I say, "Please just take me home." He responds, "Come on it'll be fun, live a little." I repeat, "Aden, I just want to go home."

I'm started to get scared and frustrated so I try opening the door. I know it's stupid to jump out of a moving car, but I was desperate and he wasn't going that fast anyways but there was a problem, he just locked the doors. I could hear the click.

We pull up to this skate park. The parking lot is empty. The only light was the overhead street lamp posts. I say, "Aden, I have a curfew, I need to go home." He asks, "Have you ever broken the rules before?" I shake my head and he says, "Here's your chance."

He lean in to pull me into a kiss. I quickly break the kiss and say, "Aden you know I don't like guys in that way." He replies, "Well not other guys sure, but I'm different, I know you like me, why else would you get into the car."

I answer, "I was walking home and you offered me a ride, I don't like you like that." He unbuckles his seat belt and moves over to my seat straddling my thighs.

I say scared, "Aden GET OFF OF ME." He pulls down my pants and underwear as I try to fight him off but fail. He says taking off his pants and boxers, "Come on, let me make you feel good, to let you know how it feels to be with a real man."

I want to scream but there's no one around so it wouldn't help. He sticks himself inside me and I'm so dry so it's very painful. He pumps in and out of me as tears fall down my face.

I try to dissociate but it's not working. Once he cums, he gets off me jumping back into his seat. He zips up his pants and says, "You're welcome." I reply angrily, "I did NOT say thank you."

He responds, "Come on, I know my dick is small and fell out sometimes, but wasn't it the best sex you've ever had." I pull my pants back up and answer, "You're disgusting and I hate you."

•End of flashback•

I look up with my vision blurred from the tears and ask, "Ms. Howard?" She replies, "Yes I'm right here, why did you Aden? Did he do something to you?" I shake my head and reply, "I told him to get off me, but he wouldn't listen."

She asks, "Can I hug you?" I nod and she pulls me in for a hug saying, "Come with me, we're going down to the office, he's not going to get away with this." I nod and respond, "Thank you." She helps me up and we start walking.

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