Chapter 2

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Setsuna's hooves thunder across the ground as we race through the trees, blurring around us. The kittens and Sakura are in bags attached to my saddle with my other bags.

We'd been travelling a few days since leaving the Land of Hot Water's port and now the green gates of the Hidden Leaf Village have come into sight.

I don't stop or slow down as I race my horse through the gates, nothing but a golden blur to the sleeping Chunin.

"Huh?! Wh-What was that just now?" Izumo gasps, jerking his head up.

"Hmngh?" Kotetsu groans, lifting his head and blinking his eyes sleepily.

"Kotetsu, did you see something?" Izumo presses.

"What...? I didn't see anything..." Replies Kotetsu.

"Huh. Must've been the wind," Mutters Izumo.

I continue to gallop for the Hokage tower, dodging around civilians. I reach my destination in a few moments and halt my horse. She waits outside while munching on grass as I dismount and pat her neck. I pause when I look up. Next to the Fourth Hokage's stone face is Tsunade's. I smile at that. Then I head inside the tower.

I finish climbing the countless stairs and make for the office door on the top floor.

A grin tugs on my lips. The door was shut as I reach it. I raise my fist and knock lightly on the door. The chatter inside dies down as Tsunade calls from within:

"Come in!"

I flick up the lever handle on the door and slowly swing the door open. The Senju Princess is sitting at her desk with Shizune standing next to her, Jiraiya before them. "I'm baaacckk, Tsunade-sama!" I say brightly as I hold up my hand in a wave, only to stop short with my left foot a few inches off the floor the second I see all eyes in the room glued to me.

 "I'm baaacckk, Tsunade-sama!" I say brightly as I hold up my hand in a wave, only to stop short with my left foot a few inches off the floor the second I see all eyes in the room glued to me

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I instantly recognise Jiraiya as he stands next to Tsunade's desk as his eyes bug in their sockets and a crimson blush spreads across his cheeks at the sight of me, fingers waving claw like

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I instantly recognise Jiraiya as he stands next to Tsunade's desk as his eyes bug in their sockets and a crimson blush spreads across his cheeks at the sight of me, fingers waving claw like. "Whoa-oah! What a beauty!" He croons, practically drooling.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now