Chapter 72

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I stare at my father with wide eyes. I question, "Y-You want me to come home, daddy?"

Dad nods his head at me. "I'd always planned for you to come home once the Murakami clan were defeated. The only reason I let you stay in the Hidden Leaf Village was so you could be safe from them."

Hikaru says happily as I frown, my bangs hiding my eyes, "And now that they're defeated, you can come home! Isn't that great, imotou-chan?!"

"I don't know what to think," I say, making everyone stare at me in surprise. Maybe a long time ago I would've jumped at the opportunity to come home, but after everything that's happened, after having spent this much time with the Leaf ninja... I don't know what to do...

"But, imotou-chan..." Hikaru trails off, his grin fading.

I glare from him to my father as I say, "You've already made this decision without me two and a half years ago, and you didn't even stop to consider what I wanted!"

"Ayumi, you're the princess of this land, this kingdom. We need you here," Dad says sternly.

"Well, what if I don't want to come home right now? What if I want to remain in the Leaf Village?" I demand, feeling hot tears prick my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ayumi, but you're my youngest child, and I want to keep you safe from the Akatsuki and Orochimaru. I just don't think you need to remain in the Leaf Village anymore—"

I cut him off as I feel the tension in the air rise, most of my teammates getting nervous. "I'm seventeen now, dad! I can protect myself! And I don't need you or anyone making these kinds of decisions for me!"

With that said, I whirl around and throw the door open. I ignore my name being called as I race down the steps. I pause by Setsuna and untie the pink lead rope.

With one swift movement, I was on her back and kicking Setsuna into a fast gallop for the forest, needing to get away from the village to think.

Kakashi's P. O. V:

We all gaze after the black haired girl as she'd run out of the office, tears flying from her eyes.

The tension had risen so thickly in the air that we were all getting a bit nervous, until Ayumi had turned and bolted out of the tower.

I was still recovering from my shock of learning the reason Kazuki summoned his daughter back here was so she could return home.

My heart had grit like breaking at the thought, even though I know Ayumi is Kazuki's daughter, and it's both their decision...

Hikaru mutters, the first one to break the silence, "Well... that went well."

Kazuki lets out a sigh and turns back to us. He says apologetically, "Forgive me. I was not expecting for my daughter to run off like that. I thought she'd be eager to come home after all this time."

"It's alright, Kazuki-sama," I say. "We knew Ayumi would be retiring to the Land of Diamonds eventually, we just didn't think it would be this soon."

"Maybe I was a bit too hard on her?" Kazuki questions.

"You think?" Hikaru utters sigh a raised dark brow.

"W-We should go after Ayumi and check on her!" Sakura stutters in concern.

"No," I say.

"But, why Kakashi Sensei?" Kiba demands to know.

"We might only make things worse if we go after Ayumi-chan. I think it's best if we left her alone for awhile to cool down and think clearly."

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now