Chapter 67

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I'm pushed back a bit from Naruto and when I straighten again, we all stare in shock at the black haired, red eyed teen before me, Grass Sword gripped in his hand as Sasuke stares me down.

"S-Sasuke?" I stutter in surprise as the rest of my teammates gape at the Uchiha, unable to believe their eyes.

Naruto grins and chuckles as he exclaims happily, "Sasuke...! You're here!"

"But-But how?!" Sakura asks, coming over. "Why are you here, Sasuke-kun?!"

"Because I made a promise to Ayumi-chan that I'd come for her should Raiden ever capture her again," Responds Sasuke. He switches his eyes to Naruto. "Don't get the wrong idea, I didn't come here to help you guys out. I came because I knew Ayumi-chan would never be able to forgive herself once she realises she killed you, Naruto, while under the Seishengan's control."

I stare at Sasuke with slightly wavering eyes.

"Sasuke... you know you can't hurt Ayu-chan, right?! She's only like this because of the Seishengan," Naruto tells him.

"I know. He's the one we need to defeat," Says Sasuke as he glares at Raiden, who was stunned by his appearance. "And once I've finished with him, I'll be taking Ayumi-chan with me and my team."

"What?! No way, Sasuke! She's my girlfriend!" Kiba snaps in a flustered tone, eyes briefly turning to animated white circles.

"Hn. I knew I couldn't have trusted you to protect Yumi-chan, Naruto. You really are a loser," Sasuke utters as Raiden overcomes his shock.

"Heh. Well, Raiden was a lot stronger than we initially thought. But I'm glad you're here now, Sasuke," Says Naruto with a sheepish grin.

Sakura reminds Sasuke, "By the way, Sasuke-kun, you said you had your team with you. Where are they?"

Before Sasuke could answer, a few Murakami clan members cry out as a massive sword cuts right through them, and a larger, auburn haired man punches his way through.

"That would be them," Sasuke says before returning his gaze to Raiden. "I'll deal with Raiden while you two try to bring Ayumi back."

"No, we need Kiba," Sakura says, gaining both boy's attention.

"Kiba?" Naruto reiterates, cocking his head. Sakura nods.

"He told me during our mission to track Itachi that he was able to break Ayumi out of the Seishengan's control when he kissed her. But I think it's more than that."

"Makes sense, considering how much he loves her," Sasuke adds, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Kiba can bring Ayumi back while we take care of Raiden," Sakura suggests. She glances back for the Inuzuka just in time to see him plié through a few more Murakami clan members. When Kiba straightens, he meets Sakura's gaze and seems to understand.

He nods before rushing over to Ayumi while Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke engage Raiden.

I do hand signs even as I fight against it, hearing my teammates battle the Murakami clan leader. "Diamond Style: The God's Crossing Technique!" I slam my hands on the floor and spikes of diamond shoot out. Kiba and Akamaru jump back to dodge them. When they land, Kiba and Akamaru run straight for me again. I do another set of hand signs. "Diamond Style: Diamond Needles!"

I fling my hand out and send out senbon shaped needles of diamond. Kiba takes out a kunai to deflect them while Akamaru jumps or ducks to avoid them.

I see the white haired man from before with purple eyes gaze in my direction with curiosity glinting in his eyes, Kubikiribocho gripped in his hands.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now