Chapter 71

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I let out a sigh as I stand at the railing of the huge boat Tsunade had hired to take Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Naruto, Sai, Sakura, Yamato, Kakashi and I to the Land of Diamonds.

It was early afternoon on the first day at sea. We'd gotten to the dock without encountering any bandits. The sea breeze tosses my long dark hair as I gaze out towards the ocean, seeing a few dolphins jumping by.

"You doing ok, Yumi-chan?" Kiba asks as he comes up to me. I glance at him before looking forward again. Our other teammates were scattered about the deck with Yamato perched on the steps leading up to the foredeck, Kakashi at the wheel.

 Our other teammates were scattered about the deck with Yamato perched on the steps leading up to the foredeck, Kakashi at the wheel

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"I just don't understand why daddy wants me home all of a sudden."

"Maybe he wants to talk to you about the whole Murakami clan incident," Kiba suggests, leaning on the railing back first with his elbows propped up against it.

"Maybe," I mutter.

"I've actually never been to the Land of Diamonds before," Yamato speaks up.

Sai questions, curiosity in his voice, "I haven't been there, either. What's it like?"

"Oh, it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen!" Sakura squeals, hands clapping together lightly. "It's even more beautiful at night and it's known as the Island of Stars. But words aren't nearly enough to describe just how beautiful it is. You'd really have to see it for yourself to understand, Captain Yamato."

"You've been there once before in the past, right Kakashi?" Yamato turns his head to the silverette. Kakashi nods as his hums.

"I have. That's actually how Ayumi and I first met." Kakashi flicks his gaze to me as he smiles.

"Yeah, but the last time we went," Says Naruto, "we got caught in such a massive storm that a huge tsunami was about to crush us!"

Kiba says, "We all thought we were going to die that day. But then Ayu-chan used her Divine Water chakra with her regular water chakra to send us under the ocean and prevent us from being drowned."

"It was totally amazing," Hinata says. "You should've seen Ayumi back then."

I blush at all the praise.

"Well, I just hope we don't get caught in another storm like that this time around," Naruto grumbles, making the others nod their heads in agreement.

The next two weeks pass by without incident. This time around, we didn't encounter a storm much to our relief. The morning sun was shining brightly down on us as I stroke Setsuna's neck, the palomino in a ring of diamond on the deck.

Just then, the water beneath us rumbles and starts rising.

"What the heck is happening?!" Kiba exclaims as everyone jumps to their feet and I whip around. We all brace ourselves as a massive form rises up out of the water. I relax upon seeing the sea dragons, water dripping from their scaly forms, blue eyes glinting in the sunlight. "It's the sea dragons!"

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now