Chapter 17

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Sai has his ink mice scurry over the Tenchi Bridge area to check for any enemies. They soon return and sink back into the scroll open at Sai's feet.

Sai closes the scroll and turns to us as he declares, "There's no presence of anyone around the Tenchi Bridge yet." Sai tucks the scroll in his weapons' pouch.

His arms crossed, Yamato states, "Well, I guess that rules out one thing: there's no Akatsuki ambush." He drops his arms. "Alright. Then that means we will proceed according to the plan,"

"Right," Says Naruto while squeezing his fist.

"Here, Naruto," Yamato addresses, holding the picture of Sasori out to him. "Could you take this picture and hold it up up in front of me?" Sakura and I lol to see it's the puppet master in the deserts of the Land of Wind. "Yeah, yeah. Just face it toward me." The blonde does just that and Yamato performs swift hand signs. "Wood Style: Transformation!" We hold up our hands to shield our faces from the flying debris as shafts of wood shoot up frm the earth and twist around the Anbu Black Ops member, followed by a poof of smoke.

The smoke clears and before us is Sasori, hat and all. Yamato asks us, "Well? Did it turn out ok?"

I say in astonishment, nodding once, "Yeah. It's amazing! You look exactly like Sasori's puppet, Hiruko!"

"Excellent. Now I have to match the voice," He says. "Let me know when it sounds close to Sasori."

"Yes, Sir," Sakura and I say, and Yamato hums a tone, going from high to low and deep until he hits a note Sakura and I seem the exact same. "There, you've got it!" We both grin at him.

"That's Sasori's voice," I add.

"Alright. If you're all ready, shall we begin the operation?" Yamato questions in the Akatsuki member's voice.

Sakura says as I nod along, "Hold it. Your tone is too polite." She puts her hand to her chin in though. "Try to sound more... oooh, I don't know... way more aggressive or something..."

"Oh, yeah you're right. I'm supposed to be cranky and irritable, and more than anything, I hate to be kept waiting." Yamato takes a step forward as he raises his voice. "We're starting the operation now!!"

I say, grinning, "You nailed it!! That's exactly what he sounds like!"

"Listen up. Our opponents will be on the alert, so I want us to split up. We'll have to work as a team. Especially you, Naruto! No one makes a move before I give the signal! Let's go!"

I leap away with Naruto, Sakura and Sai while Yamato goes in another direction. The four of us walk down towards the bridge and I feel the wind is strong enough here. This will keep the enemy from picking up our scents. We keep going until we stop behind a boulder and crouch to the ground.

From here, we're able to see everything but not hear, but it'll prevent the enemy from picking up our scents. The wind here is so strong it blows leaves across the bridge.

Naruto scowls after a few moments, "That lousy spy! Why isn't he showing up?!"

Sai suddenly gasps, "He's here!" Naruto, Sakura and I glance at him before following Sai's gaze to the bridge where a figure in a black hooded cloak now comes into view.

The spy gazes around cautiously before stepping onto the bridge. Naruto murmurs, "That must be the guy."

The spy then steps up to the railing, and a heartbeat later, I hear Yamato go up to the Tenchi Bridge in his Sasori disguise. As Yamato stops beside the cloaked figure, we all watch in tense silence as they tug back their hood and turn their head.

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