Chapter 23

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Kiba and I leap away as the two bandits throw themselves down to us. I press my radio against my ear.

"Captain Yamato, do you read me?"

"What is it, Ayumi?" He asks as I dodge a swing and Kiba goes to meet his opponent with Akamaru.

"It seems as though the bandits have found us," I state, dodging another swing.

I then hear the sounds of fighting coming from Yamato's end. "We've got trouble, too. Just hold out until backup comes."

The others say they've also encountered bandits before we disconnect. I scowl as I do hand signs.

"Diamond Style: Diamond Dragon!" A dragon of diamond flies for my opponent but he narrowly evades it. "Crying Cherry Tree Sapling!" I slam my hands to the ground and thorns of diamond shoot for the bandit.

He weaves through them as I hear Kiba call out, "Fang over Fang!" He and Akamaru spear for their opponent who uses a Substitution Jutsu to escape.

The bandit leaps for me and I do rapid hand signs. "Lightning Style: Thunder Saber!" I thrust my hand downward and lightning strikes the bandit's right shoulder. He screams at the pain.

I see Kiba punching towards his opponent while evading his sword slashes.

"You brat! You'll pay for that," The bandit in front of me snaps in irritation.

"Come and get me!" I say, sneering. He charges for me while swinging his swords crazily. "Lightning Style: Sabertooth Tiger!" A massive tiger made from silver electricity forms around my body before charging at the bandit, letting out a fierce roar.

The tiger swipes its paws for him and manages to graze the bandit's left upper arm. He cries out at the pain before avoiding the next attack from my tiger. When he jumps up again, my lightning tiger slams into a building and disperses.

The bandit swings his swords for my face but I lean backwards, the swords crossing over each other as the pass above me. I spin in a roundhouse kick after activating my Diamond Armor. The bandit grunts when my foot connects to the side of his head and staggers backwards.

"Diamond Hexagonal Shuriken!" I throw out my arms and several shuriken made out of diamond fly through the air for the bandit. One stabs his right knee, another grazes his left forearm.

I hear Kiba hiss in pain and look just in time to see his opponent stab his right shoulder with his sword. Concern tugs at my heart as Kiba swipes his claws hand for the dark haired man, cutting his cheek.

The bandit glares before swinging his sword a few times. He manages to slash the back of Kiba's right hand and Akamaru lunges for him, snapping his jaws.

The bandit barely manages to avoid the ninja hound as I duck to avoid my own opponent.

"Earth Style: Gaia's Reach Jutsu," I say and thrust my hand forward, sending out three pillars of earth. The one in the middle strikes my opponent right in the groin and he's sent flying back into a wall with a groan of pain. The bandit staggers to his feet and faces me. I smirk as I remain in my stance. The bandit charges for me once again, brandishing his swords. "Earth Style: Stone Barrage!"

I thrust my arms forwards and send out countless stones. They got for my opponent and he cries out as they strike him head on. But he keeps coming.

I swiftly create my own twin Diamond Katanas and clash them against his. We exchange a few swift blows as I hear Kiba and Akamaru trying to shred their own opponent with Fang Over Fang.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now