Chapter 56

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I lie on my back with my arms behind my head and left knee crossed over my right in a clearing with the lake in it that I normally ride Setsuna to, the palomino mare grazing nearby.

I wear my casual dark pink kimono with the left sleeve only as I currently don't have any missions, and I've been here since I finished breakfast earlier this morning.

The sun shines warmly down on me and I hear birds chirping in the treetops. A couple of heartbeats later, as I him to the song I sang to Kiba last night, a blue bird and sparrow come flirting out of the trees.

Setsuna snorts but continues to eat as I giggle at the sight of the birds, dancing and going in loops in the air above me.

They disappear and it's just me and my horse. At least until a lone monarch butterfly decides to perch on my nose. I gaze at it for a moment, surprised, before I let out a giggle.

As I continue to hum, the butterfly flits over to Setsuna and sits on her nose. Setsuna raises her head and snorts, tail swishing as she shakes her head, but the butterfly just settles back on her nose.

Setsuna looks slightly indignant which makes me laugh.

I continue to sing until a familiar silverette flickers beside me. "There you are, Yumi-chan! I was looking for you!" Kakashi says. "Though I figured you'd be here."

I remain in my position as I reply, "Oh? And why were you looking for me, Kashi-kun?"

"Because you've got a mission. Tsunade-sama wants you."

I grunt slightly as I pull myself up to gaze at him. "Okay. I'm on my way," I tell him, making Kakashi nod his head. With a closed eye smile, he does a set of hand signs and disappears in a puff of smoke. I get to my feet and whistle for Setsuna. She turns and steps over to me, making me giggle at the sight of the butterfly still on her nose. "You can go now. I don't think Setsuna appreciates having a butterfly on her nose."

I gently capture the butterfly and go to a small patch of pink and yellow flowers. I set it down on a pink one and straighten. It looks even more content to sit there than on my horse's nose.

I turn back to Setsuna and go up to her left side before I mount her. With a kick to Setsuna's sides, she gallops for the Village.


After putting Setsuna out in the field, I go to Tsunade's office. Outside, I knock on the door.


I open the door and step in. I stare in surprise to see Kiba, Hinata, Shino and Kakashi gathered before the Hokage. They gaze at me as I shut the door behind me.

"Hey, there, beautiful," Kiba greets me as I stand between him and my Guardian, sending me a cheeky wink. It makes me swoon as my knees threaten to give out on me, a deep blush spreading across my face. The others, except for Shino, smile as Kiba chuckles.

He knows I'm weak when it comes to stuff like that! I get flustered easily when it comes to my boyfriend...

Tsunade clears her throat and I almost immediately regain my composure, focusing my attention on her.

"Now that Ayumi has finally joined us, I'll explain the mission," The blonde woman begins. "A group of bandits has been causing trouble near a village not too far from the Hidden Grass Village, Higuchi Village. You're to go there and capture or kill the bandits. You leave in half an hour."

We say our agreement before we go home to get ready.

At home, I change into my work attire and make sure I've packed everything I need before I go to meet my teammates at the main gates.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now