Chapter 10

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

As we race across the logs in pursuit of Deidara, Kakashi asks Naruto as I, "You all set?"

Naruto says, "Yeah, we got it. Don't worry."

Kakashi murmurs, closing both eyes while clasping his hands in a hand sign and focusing his chakra, "Here we go."

Deidara looks back at us in shock at the fact Naruto looks cooled off; his red eyes are blue once more and his elongated canines have returned to normal.

Naruto asks as I focus my own chakra, "Hey, Sensei, Ayumi. You two ready, or what?"

Still with his eyes closed, Kakashi responds, "Hold your horses! Remember, I don't have as much chakra as either of you. It's going to take time."

I say, "I'm ready to begin." Naruto flicks his gaze to me as diamond forms in my hand. I hold it up towards Deidara and fire a beam of crystalline energy at him. The man dodges, but narrowly, and I see recognition glint in his sky blue eyes.

"Not that Jutsu again! If that touches me, I'm done for!"

I continue to fire the energy blasts at Deidara, while he dodges every one of them. I was careful not to hit Gaara or the head of the bird.

Realising I'm getting nowhere, I dispel the Jutsu before concentrating more chakra to my left hand. Naruto watches me as diamond begins to form in it and down to my lower wrist. It then forms into the head of a tiger with elongated fangs as sharp as knives.

I smirk as I pull my arm back and punch forward, though I'm too far away. This is a new clan Jutsu I learned. The diamond shatters from around my wrist, making Naruto gasp. But my smirk never leaves my face.

Deidara looks smug, no doubt thinking my Jutsu was a fluke, but his smirk vanishes as a crinkling sound reaches our ears. My Jutsu reforms into the head of a tiger, only it grows to half the size of Deidara's coat bird.

"Wh-Whoa...!" Naruto breathes, his cerulean blue orbs wide. Kakashi is forced to keep his eyes closed as he concentrates on his chakra.

"What the hell kind of Jutsu is that?!" Deidara demands before my Jutsu flies straight for him, incredibly fast despite its huge size.

"Fangs of the Tiger!" I call out as the Jutsu opens its maw, letting out a roar.

Deidara swerves his bird to avoid it but the Jutsu just follows him.

"It's fast!" Naruto gasps.

"Don't let its size fool you," I say. The Jutsu. Deidara continues to evade my Jutsu as it follows him, trying to clamp its jaws around him.

After dodging again, my Jutsu gets right n front of the blonde and manages to clamp down on his right arm. Deidara cries out at the pain.

"The hell—?! Get off me! What the?! My chakra! It's draining my chakra!" Deidara gasps.

My Jutsu pulls back as blue chakra is swallowed. "This Jutsu has the power to bite through any defence, and it can syphon off chakra. It can also bash through anything in its path," I explain.

After a few more minutes of the Akatsuki member dodging my Fangs of the Tiger Jutsu, Naruto asks the silverette, "Kakashi Sensei! You about ready yet?"

Kakashi responds, "My preparations are complete!" He lowers his clasped fingers to reveal his Sharingan. Only, it has curving hooks around it instead of the usual three tomoe.

 Only, it has curving hooks around it instead of the usual three tomoe

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