Chapter 25

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

It was a beautiful afternoon as I walk next to Sakura on our way to the rendezvous point. A day has passed since we left the village, and we'd had to camp for the night. A breeze tosses my long black hair about my face and sends some leaves floating down.

I no longer hear Naruto or Sai walking behind us, I pause and turn to see the Uzumaki crouching with his back to us, hands clasped in front of him.

I no longer hear Naruto or Sai walking behind us, I pause and turn to see the Uzumaki crouching with his back to us, hands clasped in front of him

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Is he trying his wind technique now?

Sakura calls in annoyance, "Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up, will ya?! We're gonna leave you behind!"

I notice Naruto is trembling from concentration as Sakura turns to Yamato and shrugs her shoulders. After a moment, Naruto giggles.

I smile at him even as the conversation from last night flashes through my mind.

I sit next to Sakura around a small campfire with the boys opposite us as Naruto wonders, my Seismic Sense Jutsu activated, "Come on, what could be taking Captain Yamato so long?"

I sigh, "I know, right? I wonder where he went off to." I feel Yamato returning before I hear the rustling of bushes. This causes us to look in his direction.

"Ah, you finally showed up!" Naruto says.

The Captain steps forward and stops as he raises his head, eyes hidden by shadow. Suddenly, a flashlight flicks on and shines over the bottom half of his face, causing the Uzumaki to jolt backwards with a startled cry.

"Yikes!" Naruto breathes in relief as Yamato turns off the flashlight and bursts out laughing. "Captain Yamato, don't scare us like that!"

I hood my eyes as he says, Naruto sitting up straight with his legs crossed, "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist!"

"Believe me, you're scary enough without putting on some kind of scary act," Naruto grumbles as Yamato sits next to me.

Yamato laughs, "Well, what can I say? You're an easy target, Naruto!"

I let out an annoyed sigh as I address the Captain, "Anyway, Captain, back to what we were talking about earlier. Why would anyone want to rob from a grave? It's awful."

Yamato says seriously, "It is. Often, the graves of wealthy people are targeted. Thieves try to steal any valuable objects buried in the tomb. But in these robberies, the bodies and the treasures were undisturbed. It's a very troubling case. Every robbery has happened in the same area, all within five kilometres of the Fire Temple where we're all headed now."

Naruto echoes curiously, ""The Fire Temple"?" The Captain nods his head.

I've heard of that place during my time with the Murakami clan and outside of them.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now