Naruto Shippuden, The Movie: Part 4

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

By the time night falls, Naruto, Neji, Lee, Sakura and I have buried Taruho's body.

After a few minutes, we all get to our feet as Neji says to me and Naruto, "Naruto, Ayumi, Sakura, Lee and I will stay here and wait for the enemy. I want you two to take Shion-sama and keep heading for the sealing shrine."

Naruto utters while glancing back at the priestess, "But... you sure?"

Lee reminds Neji, "Neji, she saw Naruto's and Yumi-chan's death! Is it safe for them?"

Sakura suggests, turning to the Hyuga, "Maybe one of us should go instead—"

"No. That is precisely the reason why they should go."

Naruto and I gasp before we give them an assuring smile. Naruto says while giving a thumbs up, "Alright, then! You've got it!"

"Leave it to us, Neji-kun!" I chime.

Lee returns the thumbs up as he tells us, "Set your sights on the goal and do not look back!"

Sakura reminds us, hands on her hips, "The sealing shrine is close by."

Neji urges us, "Now, hurry, Naruto, Ayumi."

I say as Naruto goes to put the priestess on his back, piggyback style, "Okay! Let's go, Shion, Naruto!"

We then swiftly make our way to the sealing shrine as I easily keep pace with the Uzumaki.

Within twenty minutes, Naruto and I make it to a cliff with a cave a few yards away. That must be the sealing shrine. There were many giant boulders scattered around, too.

 There were many giant boulders scattered around, too

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"Well, here we are, Shion-sama," I tell her. "That's the entrance over there."

She asks, "Have you two been here before, then?"

I say flippantly, putting the backs of my hands on my hips as I briefly close my eyes, "Nah. I just had a premonition. That's all!" Shion goes to say something but closes her mouth and turns her head away, eyes closed.

 That's all!" Shion goes to say something but closes her mouth and turns her head away, eyes closed

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