Chapter 20

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Yamato breathes, "His entry doesn't have an x through it." A gasp, before he narrows his black eyes. "Of course. So that's what this was all about..."

Naruto asks, "What are you saying, Captain?"

"Sai, acting as a go-between for Orochimaru and Danzo wasn't just mission after all. This entire time Sai's real mission... is to assassinate Sasuke." This makes the three of us gasp.

Naruto exclaims, throwing out an arm, "No way! That just doesn't make any sense! Come on! He said before that he wanted to save Sasuke! His face... that smile's from the bottom of his heart... he was acting different from the way he was before..."

I input seriously, "But that's just it." I turn my saddened gaze to the blonde. "What if it was all just an act? Just an act to draw us out."

Yamato tells us, "The owner of this Bingo Book would be capable of such deception. Take a look." He flips the book to show us Sasuke's picture the man next to him, of the Hidden Mist Village. He has an x on his page. "See the man next to Sasuke? He was from the Hidden Mist. A Jounin, who took a hard lined stance against the Leaf."

Sakura murmurs, "And Sai... just got rid of him?"

"Yes," Yamato answers while giving a nod and dropping his arm. "And ge couldn't have been an easy opponent to defeat. If Sai did away with him, it means he'd do anything to accomplish his goals. Pretending to be somebody he isn't?" Yamato scoffs. "That's all in a day's work for him."

I say with a frown, "He was using his smile to get what he wanted."

Yamato says, "Judging by the kinds of people listed throughout this Bingo Book, it's clear." He turns a page. "Sai's mission was to dispose of those who threaten the Leaf. And, what's more, consider Sasuke to be one of those threats. Danzo's ultimate goal is to find Orochimaru's new host and destroy it before it's too late. That's the reason Sai sort out Orochimaru in the first place. They weren't going to betray the Leaf. No. In fact, it's quite the opposite." Yamato hisses while gritting his teeth. "It's just the kind of tactic a hard liner would think of!"

Naruto speaks up. "Well, there's no point in standing by around here, complaining about it now." Sakura and I glance at him. "To be honest, I don't really care what Sai was ordered to do, or what that Danzo guy might be thinking! Right now, we've just gotta find Sai and keep going. Because the only thing that really matters is finding Sasuke."

I say with a nod and smile, "Naruto's right. That's exactly what we should do."

Yamato speaks up, "I felt Sai's chakra earlier. We need to move fast." Yamato then whirls around and starts running ahead with me on his heels.

I hear Naruto and Sakura quickly catching up.

"Alright! Back on the trail!" The Uzumaki cheers.


The four of us race up to the next level and turn the corner. We continue running down the corridor, but then we skid to a halt as a massive explosion rocks the hideout.

Naruto breathes, "What was that?"

Yamato announces, "That's Sai's chakra."

"And it's up ahead!" I say. We resume running and turn left, then right, then left again. After making another turn, we skid to a halt and see light at the end of the corridor. Sakura was the last to catch up. I knew that both Sai and Sasuke were up there.

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