Chapter 55

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

A slap echoes throughout the warehouse building I'm in as the slightly overweight grey haired man strikes my left cheek with his palm.

I huff out a breath as I swivel my head back to him, some hair falling over my face. I was on an assassination mission to take out these three thugs by the Feudal Lord and I'd gotten caught by the two younger ones. I'm currently being shackled with my hands behind the wooden chair and most of my kimono top is ripped from the interrogation that's still ongoing.

I have cuts and bruises dotting my flesh, with a deeper gash on my left thigh.

I've been here since 2: 30 am.

"Tell me who sent you," The grey haired man commands as he stands before me.

".... As if I would ever tell you a thing, you old man," I retort. I was surprisingly calm, but that's probably because I've been in situations like these before with Raiden.

"You're rather quite young to be an assassin, aren't you?" The man questions. "How old are you?"

"I'm... sixteen," I answer.

He smiles, creepily. "And yet, you have such a pretty face," He states

The dark haired man with brown eyes on my right grabs my face in his hands and pulls my mouth open.

"Since you won't tell me what I wish to know, I guess you won't need the ability to talk... Ayumi Kongoseki, Princess of the Kongoseki clan. Your Guardian is none other than Kakashi Hatake," The man says as he turns and picks up a set of pliers from a table. They were the kind dentists use to pull out teeth. "The infamous Diamond Princess."

I do my best to quell the rising fear.

The man smirks.

He steps up to me with the pliers in hand. Just as the man is going to yank out my teeth, I thrust my head up and slam it into the dark haired man, knocking him away.

I then kick the grey haired man in his left upper leg, making him hunch over and groan in pain, before I flow chakra into my foot and kick him in the groin, powerfully.

Everyone seems to freeze as his eyes squeeze tightly shut before he drops towards the floor. I then head butt him which causes him to collapse.

I jump to my feet, my hands still shackled to the chair and whirl around. I thrust the back leg of the chair onto the other man's foot, making him groan before he hunches over.

I sense movement behind me and swing the back of the chair around. The men is knocked to the floor and I kick back the first henchmen.

I continue to kick or use the chair to fend off my opponents as they try to land a hit on me. I eventually manage to knock down both men and forward flip onto the dark haired man's back, making him groan while shattering the wooden chair and freeing myself in the process.

I grab the leader and slam his head painfully onto the metal railing, causing him to collapse. I spot a chain and tie it around the ankles of the henchmen before I loop it over a rail above a gap in the flooring.

I let the men fall through until the gain pulls taut. I was only sent to kill the leader, not his henchmen as well.

I face the old man and do fast hand signs. I slam my hands on the ground as I say, "Diamond Style: The God's Crossing Technique!" The man was unable to get up as the spikes Pierce through him, killing him.

I straighten and brush my hands off, my gloves having been taken by the thugs earlier.

I ignore the pain pricking at my body and my left thigh where I'd been slashed earlier as I snatch my pink gloves from the table of instruments along with my tiger Anbu mask and my boots from the floor, and make my way out to report back to the Feudal Lord.

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