Chapter 69

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

My eyes start to peel open and I blink them a few times against the darkness. I take a moment to figure out where I am. Across from me are a couple of other beds with plain white sheets. There's another bed to my left and a large window to my right, showing the night sky with stars shining down.

I must be in the hospital...

I start to sit up but fall back down against the pillow when I feel a slight jab of pain in my left side and right shoulder, and bandages wrapped around me.

I look down at myself to see I'm in a plain white hospital gown and I could feel bandages wrapped around my abdomen, hip and right shoulder. All of my other, smaller injuries from torture have all been easily healed up.

I turn to the left and pause at the sight of my Guardian, sleeping with his head on the edge of my bed and arm laid out beside him. I blink my eyes a few times.

Has he been there the whole time I was out...?

I gently run my fingers through his spiky silver hair as I murmur, "Kakashi-kun..." His eye almost immediately flutters open and he groans slightly from exhaustion, pushing himself up slightly to turn his head in my direction.

Kakashi's eye widens at the sight me awake as I pull my hand back, a small smile tugging my lips. "Ayumi-chan...! You're... You're awake." I try to sit up once again as my face twists in pain. Kakashi abruptly sits up and gently grips my arms to help me into a comfortable sitting position. "Careful! Your wounds are still healing." Kakashi keeps me still with one hand while he fixes my pillow with the other, and gently pushes me back against it.

I glance at him as Kakashi sits back in his chair and ask, "Where am I?"

"The Hidden Leaf hospital," He answers immediately while gently brushing back my hair.

"So I'm back in the Leaf," I murmur. "How long was I out for, and what happened to Sasuke and the Murakami clan after I'd killed Raiden?"

I'm still struggling to process the fact that he's now dead.

"You were out for just a little over a week. The rest of the Murakami clan got arrested. Akane helped himself to eating Raiden's remains." Kakashi makes a face at the memory. "It was actually awful, even though he's the bad guy, but that tiger of yours seemed satisfied by the end."

"I should've known Akane would do that," I mutter with a small sweat drop. I picture the tiger after devouring Raiden turning back to my stunned teammates as he sits on his haunches, tail flicking behind him happily while licking his blood stained lips happily, looking innocent. I then remember what Kakashi said about the length I was out for, making me feel stunned. "A week?! You've gotta be kidding me!"

I slump my shoulders a little at this.

"As for Sasuke and his group... well, we were all so concerned about you and your wounds that when Naruto when to confront Sasuke, he and his team were already gone. They must've taken advantage of the confusion and left. I still can't believe he actually came to help get you out of there."

"Neither can I. I think it has something to do with that promise he made me two and a half years ago," I say.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" Kakashi asks.

"I just didn't think he'd actually follow through with it." I give a shrug.

"So it seems even after all this time, Sasuke still cares about you," Says Kakashi. I avert my eyes at that. Kakashi gently grips my chin and makes me look at him as he adds, a soft smile on his face, "I'm just so glad you're home. I was so worried... I thought..."

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