Chapter 73

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Dad and I take Setsuna back to her old stable before we go to the inn where my teammates were staying, so I could tell them the news.

They were also really worried about me, from what dad told me.

We reach the inn and meet my teammates in the reception area. I was immediately hugged by Kiba. Kakashi wasn't there as he was staying with Izumi.

"I'm fine, Kiba-kun. I'm really sorry for worrying you all," I say. Kiba pulls back and stands beside me.

"It's okay, Yumi-chan. I'm glad you're alright," He says.

"In any case, I've got some good news," I say to them, smiling. "Daddy and I've worked it out and... he's agreed to let me return to the Leaf Village wit you guys! Permanently."

This earns me a chorus of cheers and a huge grin from Kiba.

"That's great, Ayumi. What made you change your mind, Kazuki-sama?" Yamato says, glancing towards my father as Kiba puts an arm around my waist.

Dad says, "My daughter told me everything you've all ever done for her, and about her adventures in the Leaf Village. I realise then that she's happier with you, and I couldn't take that away from her." A pointed glance at the Inuzuka. "So I agreed to let Ayumi-chan return with you. As long as she promised to make time to visit her father and brother, of course." Dad gives a warm closed eye smile.

I couldn't help but return it. "And I did promise."

"That's awesome!" Naruto cheers as Kiba hugs me tighter.

"It's great that you'll still be a member of the team! Wait until Kakashi Sensei hears about this," Sakura gushes happily, hands clasped together.

"I plan to tell him when daddy and I leave the inn," I say.

Dad says to Yamato, "And if neither you nor Kakashi would mind, I'd like to send some of my clan members back with you, as a liaison between the Hidden Leaf and Land of Diamonds."

Yamato nods his head as he says, "That would be quite alright, Kazuki-sama. And I'm sure Kakashi Senpai wouldn't mind, either."

Dad smiles at him. "Thank you. I'll make arrangements immediately."

"And I'll tell Kashi-kun the good news!" I chime. I turn to Kiba and kiss his lips. "I guess I'll see you guys in the morning."

We all say our goodnights and I leave with my father, but we split off to go our separate ways: him to the tower to organise a liaison to leave tomorrow, and me to Izumi Sensei's house to give Kakashi the news.


Rain clouds have started to gather as I made my way here. Currently, I'm eating some leftover vegetables and rice from Izumi's, Kakashi's and Mio's dinner while I told them what had recently happened.

Izumi had insisted I eat something since I skipped dinner earlier. And she wasn't taking no for an answer.

"So you're coming back with us, after all, Ayumi?" Kakashi inquires as I finish my food and take a swig of soda. I nod my head.

"Yup. Daddy changed his mind after I told him about my adventures with you guys."

Kakashi and Izumi smile at me. "That's great to hear. It would be lonely in the apartment without you, Ayumi," Says Kakashi.

I give a cheeky grin as I say suggestively, "Or, you know, Izumi Sensei could move in with you? I'm sure she'd be more than happy too, especially since you are husband and wife." Mio giggles at this as the two adults blush.

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now