Chapter 36

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

When the bright, white light fades, our comrades have gotten a safe distance away, having moved to the top of the crater, while Naruto has his body covering mine. Sora has now taken on the full form of the Nine Tails with four tails flickering behind him, his human flesh gone.

I blink my eyes back into focus as Sora roars. Naruto is breathing heavily as he tries to fight against the Nine Tails.

"N-Naruto-kun," I say softly, peering up at him. His face is tight with pain at the red chakra covering his body. "Let me fight him."

"No, Ayumi! It's too dangerous for you," He protests.

"Says you!" I snap, stepping back from Naruto. I frown at him. "Let me handle Sora while you get the Nine Tails under control." Even when Naruto shielded me and I embraced him back, the Nine Tails' chakra didn't recede.

It's as Yamato said: it's coming from the outside. It must be effected by Sora's Nine Tails' chakra...

I continue to hold Sora back by flowing chakra into my arms.

"Naruto! Ayumi!" Sakura calls fearfully.

"Sakura-chan..." Naruto utters.

"Pinky..." I say softly, too focused on the task at hand.

Naruto urges the gray haired monk, "Sora! Wake up! Hey!"

"Sora, I know you can hear us!" I add. His white eyes flash and my body stiffens. But before I could defend myself or Naruto could shield me, Sora lands a monster punch to my head and I'm sent rocketing back a good thirty meters.

I hit the ground but remain there as the wind got knocked out of me.

I hear Sakura breathe, mint green eyes wide, "No way..."

I soon cough as I force myself to sit up, air rushing back into my lungs. I get into a crouching position, facing Sora and Naruto. The Uzumaki looks relieved that I don't have any injuries, thanks to my Diamond Armor.

I gasp, however, as I notice Naruto's skin peeling from his face and hands. "Oh, no...!" I think fearfully, remembering what Sakura had described to me on the Tenchi Bridge.

"Ayumi, Naruto!" Yamato says worriedly, teeth gritted.

Naruto grits out, "Heck, no...! No way am I going to let the Nine Tails jerk take me over! I didn't call you...! Beat it, monster fox...! Don't just show up in your own...!" More if Naruto's skin peels off from his body.

Sakura turns to Yamato and demands frantically, "Captain Yamato, can't something be done about this?! What about Ayumi?! Can't she do something?"

"No. My Jutsu won't work on Naruto now. And Ayumi seems to be having just as much trouble," He tells her. "We can only have faith in his mental strength."

"But!" Sakura gasps, whipping her head back to us.

"Damn it...!" Naruto hisses. I watch fearfully as he reaches back and takes out a metal claw, like from Sora's weapon. "I refuse." He flips the claw around so it's pointing down at his right knee. "I won't run away! I won't be overtaken by the likes of a monster fox!"

I gasp as he plunges the claw into his knee and collapses, still struggling against the Nine Tails.

"Naruto..." Ino and Lee murmur.

"Damn it..." Utters Shikamaru.

"I made a vow," Naruto grits out. "I will not... be... taken over... by you anymore... I must not do the same thing I lectured Sora about... knock it off! Sora, I'll get you back with my own hands!"

The Lost Princess Returns (Sequel to The Lost Princess, Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now